Two | Chicken Wings

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F/l: Favorite Lunch

Y/n's POV
For the next hour and a half I write down notes and whisper jokes to Ethan.

"Class dismissed." Professor Winter says loud enough for everyone to hear.

In a rush Ethan stands up and grabs my arm, dragging me down the stairs of the classroom and out the door into the hall.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he pulls me down the hall making quick, jagged turns to dodge the people trying to get out of the building.
Soon I feel the wind blow through my hair and I know that we've made it outside.

"Where are we going?" I ask again.
"It's a surprise." He tells me and continues to run full speed with my arm firmly in his grasp.

Soon he comes to a sudden halt making me accidently run into him.

"Woah!" Ethan grabs ahold of my hips to keep me from falling to the ground.
"S-sorry." I say as I feel my face heat up.
"There's nothing to be sorry for,  it was my fault." Letting go of me I hear him take a few steps away.

"Hold out your hands."
Trusting him completely I stick out both of my hands together only to feel something lightly placed on them.
"What is this?" I ask.
"It's a charm bracelet with your favorite animal on it and your name." My eyes go wide.
"Ethan you shouldn't ha-"
"Happy Birthday."

I go silent.
I completely forgot today was my birthday.

I feel a tear role down my face as I clench the bracket in my hands. I then hug him tightly. I can tell he was taken aback my the sudden hug by the delayed return of it.

"It was nothing." He says as we let go of each other. "It's everything." I whisper.
I begin fumble with putting on said bracelet when I feel Ethan touch my hand.
"I'll do it for you." He says in his kind voice.

Gently he takes hold of my wrist and puts the bracelet around it.
"Beautiful!" He cheers and I smile.

I then remember that he dragged me somewhere.
"Where are we?" I ask.
"Oh, right." I hear him face palm as I chuckle.
"I wanted to treat you to lunch before your next class." My smile grows bigger.
He's so sweet.

Taking my hand he leads me to the door of the place and takes me inside.
"Ethan Nestor." I hear him tell someone and he leads me to a table, helping me sit down.

I hear, what I think are menus, placed on the table when Ethan stops the waiter or waitress.
"Do you have any menus in brail?" He asks.
"We do Sir."  A women's voice responds.
"Could you please bring me one for her."
I assume he points to me and I hear the women shuffle away to go and grab the brail menu.

A few moments later she returns and hands it to me.
"Let me know when you're ready to order." She tells us before walking away.

We open our menus and I begin to move my fingers across the menus pages until something stands out to me.

"Oooh." I fawn over what I just read.
"What?" Ethan questions.
"F/l." I say containing the drool trying to escape my mouth.
He laughs and calls over the waitress.
"Ready?" She asks.
"We are."

"I would like the f/l." I tell her.
I hear a pen scribble across some paper and then she asks Ethan, "What would you like Sir?"
"The chicken wings."
I can sense the smirk growing on his face as he orders.

We have this thing where whenever we can we order chicken wings at a restaurant, we get it with the hottest sauce so everyone looks at us like where crazy when they see us eat it like its nothing.

"What sauce?" She asks.
"The hottest kind you have in the kitchen."
She goes silent for a moment until she scribbles something down on paper.
"Your food should be done in around 10 minutes." She tells us in a somewhat shakey voice and walks away.

Ethan begins to laugh silently.
"I wish you could have seen her face." I laugh quietly along with him.
"Her eyes went wide and her jaw almost dropped."
"Her voice was supper shakey she told us how long our food was gonna be." I say to him laughing a little more.

After a few minutes of goofing around I head footsteps approach our table and set something in front of me.

"Here are your f/l and you super hot wings."
She hesitantly sets the plate of wings in front of Ethan before waking away quickly.

Him and I then begin to eat what I ordered so that we can save the wings as the big finale.

"Everyone who works here is stairing at us." He whispers as we finish the last of my f/l.
I giggle as he hands me a chicken wing.
"Are you ready?" He asks.
I nod and he begins the count down.

"Five," He whispers.
"Four," I say back.
"Three," He says a little louder this time.
"Two," I match his tone.
"One!" He says loud enough for people around us to hear.

As I normally do I place the whole chicken wing in my mouth and pull it out with nothing left on the bone. We continue to eat until all of the wings have been consumed.

"These aren't as hot as the ones at Sundown's." I say as I wipe the sauce from my face.
"Nah, I'd rank these a 5.2."
We continue to laugh until Ethan places the money for the food on the table and leads me to the front door.

"Would you guys like a drink?" A man asks.
"We're good." I tell him as I push open the door and we walk away from the restaurant laughing.

I wish we could do this everyday.

Hey guys! I hope you loved this chapter and yes this is still a Markipler X reader, don't worry you'll be meeting him soon. If you enjoyed tell me in the comments and vote. See ya' guys in the next chapter!

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