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Y/n's POV

I hug onto someone tightly.
I can feel their small figure shivering, probably with fear, in my embrace.
"I don't want to die Y/n."
A boy whispers.
I run my hand through his hair and kiss the top of his head.
"Don't worry ¿##, you're going to be fine." I reply.
The boy doesn't say anything else.
I hear a door in front of us squeak open.
A tear falls down my cheek.

I can't let ¿## die.
Not now, not ever.

Gripping the knife in my hand, I jump at whoever opens the door and tackle them to the ground.
Sadly, it doesn't take long for them to turn the tables.
Now they hold me down and I feel a knife, more than likely mine, piercing my stomach slightly.
"You're not going anywhere sweety." They chuckle.
I turn my head to the boy and mouth the words,
"Stay there. I'm going to be okay."
Now all I can hope is that he listens to me for once.

I then kick the person where the sun doesn't shine and run out the room, only to be tackled to the ground again.
They chuckle.
"You think that's gonna stop me sweet pea?"
I then get hit on the back of the head, and all sound stops.


I shoot up, breathless.
I feel cold and shivers run up and down my body.
"That dream felt too real."
I mumble and get out of bed.

I don't remember walking up the death trap known as stairs last night.
Did Mark bring me up here?

"There's no way he would do that." I chuckle at the silly thought and walk around the room until my foot hits a box.
"There you are."
I open the box and take off the clothes I was wearing before.
I then pull out a pair of black ripped jeans and a baggy grey tee.
I quickly change into them before digging my phone out of the pocket of yesterday's clothes.
"Okay Google." I say.


"What time is it?" I ask.
"Nine am." The computerized voice responds.
"Okay Google."


"When does my first class start today?" I ask.
"Your First Class starts at 10:30am."
I nod and put my phone back into my pocket.
"I should leave now so I can chill with Ethan and Kad for a bit."
I find my backpack and throw it on and then find the door, exiting it.

Carefully, I make my way down the hallway so I don't bump into anything and so I don't fall down the stairs.
I let the fingers of my right hand lightly brush the wall so I know when the stairs should be coming up.
After a minute or two, I find the railing and grip onto it with all my strength.
The last thing I want to do is break and arm or a leg.
Being blind is enough.

Take it at your own pace.

I lift my left foot up a bit and go to step down.
I fell my foot hit the step and sigh.

Only thirty-nine more to go.
That wasn't s-

"Good morning Y/n!"
I jump at the sudden sound of Mark's deep voice and nearly fall down the stairs.
Thank god for my iron grip on the wooden railing.
"Careful!" Mark says.
I hear him walk over.
"I didn't mean to startle you."
I awkwardly laugh.
"Good morning to you too Mark."
I say.
He starts to walk down the stairs.
"Heading to campus?" He asks.

Great, I have to follow him down.

I slowly follow him down the stairs, trying not to look to suspicious in doing so.
"Why do you look like the stairs might devour you if you let go of the railing?" He asks.


"I-uh....have a..bad reputation with......stairs." I say.

Doesn't sound made up at all!!

Mark bursts out into a fit of laughter.
"What?" He asks between laughs.
I feel my face heat up with embarrassment.
"I almost always get hurt when walking down the stairs."

I mean, that's only half a lie.

His laughter stops.
"I wonder if stairs scare Y/n's all over the world."
He thinks aloud.
"Hey!" I shout, stepping onto the actual floor.
This only makes him laugh again.
"Well anyways," He says after he calms down a bit.
"Would you like a ride? I want to take Chica to the park anyways."
I stop and think about the pros and cons of him driving me to campus.

I wouldn't have to walk and could spend more time with Ethan and Kadence before class.
But it could be very awkward.
Who cares, things are awkward already.

"Sure!" I agree.
"Alright. I'll be out in a second; I have to go grab Chica's collar and leash."
I nod and smile as he runs into a different room.

Now to slowly make my way to his car.

Remembering where the front door is, I make my way over there and step outside.

I'm almost positive he didn't go anywhere in the middle of the night, so his car should still be in the same place.

I take five steps forward and turn right. I then take three steps forward and feel my foot lightly graze the cars tire.
With a smile on my face, I head to the passengers side and hop in.

Living with Mark is going to be so tiring.

Hey guys!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even if it is shorter than usual.
If you did, please vote and comment.
If you want something to read, go check out my book
'The Human Race | Darkiplier X Reader'.
If you like my writing then you might enjoy that too!
See ya' in the next chapter!!!

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