Five | Stop being a creep Mark!

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Bold Italics=Quick Flashback
E/c=Eye Color
U/e/c=Unusual Eye Color
H/c=Hair Color

Mark's POV
Rushing into the crowd I look all over for the women when I spot a phone on the ground.

She goes to pull something out of her pocket but it seems to slip out of her grasp and fall onto the ground.

She was grabbing her phone.

Quickly, I snatch her phone off of the ground and look around.
She must be close.

The sound of sobbing comes from behind a wall of people and I start to push through.

"Excuse me," I say to people as I push past them. The sobbing is now more clear and then I see her. She's leaned against the wall with her knees pressed close to her body, her face is hidden behind her legs.

"Miss?" I call out to her, no response.
"Miss?" I call out again, but a little closer this time.
Still no response.

Carefully I approach the women and tap her on the shoulder causing her to flinch.
"Miss, are you okay?" I ask.
She slowly lift up her head to reveal her striking e/c with hits of u/e/c near her pupil.
"Wow." I whisper under my breath.

"I-I'm fine." She says while wiping her tears away.
"Hey, I'm just trying to help. You can tell me." I tell her while starring into her amazing eyes.


"I-" She hesitates.
"I get anxiety attacks when in big crowds."
I look around us to see that pretty much everyone is gone now, back to work or home.
"Well the crowd is gone now." I tell her in a soothing voice.

Reaching my hand out in her direction I say, "Let me help you up."
She smiles as she takes my hand.
"Where were you heading?" I ask.

Not creepy at all Mark, totally.

"The Chinese place down the street." She mumbles just loud enough for me to hear.
"I was going there too!" I smile when I feel something against my leg.
"Chica? How did you get out the car?" She barks in response.
"Chica?" The girl questions.

Chica suddenly knocks her over and begins to lick her face.

"S-stop!" She says as she laughs at the pup.
"Chica!" I shout and pick the dog up off of her.
"I am so sorry." I tell her as I help her up again.
"It's okay."

Her tears have now dried up and a huge smile is planted on her face.
The large clock then chimes again to confirm that rush hour it over.
The women's eyes go wide.

"I have to get going!" She says, but before she can start to rush off I blurt out, "Would you like a ride?"
She turns back towards me and gives me a confused look.
"W-well you said you were going to the Chinese place down the street and I-I'm going there too."
I start to start to stumble with my words as I try to not sound creepy.

The young women begins to giggle as I stutter.

"It's fine," She laughs even more.
"And sure, I would love a ride."

I can feel my face heat up with embarrassment.

"My car is over here." I begin to lead her to my car.
Once we reach it I open the door for her and she grabs onto the door before getting in.
"Thanks." She says.
I nod and run over to the drivers side with Chica running behind me.
Opening the door, Chica gets in and makes her way to the back and I then take a seat.

Suddenly I remember I never asked her name.
"I'm sorry, but what's your name?" I ask.
She turns her head to face me and says, "Y/n."

Y/n, that's a unique name.

"I'm Mark." I tell her and start the car.
"So, where are you coming from?" I ask when I notice the backpack she's carrying.
"UCLA," She responds. "I'm a student there."

There's then an awkward moment of silence when I look at her through the mirror.
She's starring off into space and that's when I finally get a full image of her face.
She has e/c eyes with bits of u/e/c around her pupil. Her hair is long and h/c. She has a little bit of freckles dotted lightly on her face and dimples when she smiles.

Stop being creepy Mark.
My brain keeps telling me.
She's probably like 18 years younger than you.

"So," I start breaking the ice.
"How old are you exactly?"

I can't ask anything without sounding creepy, can I?

"I'm almost 21." She says.
"How old are you?"

She also wants to know so do that make me still creepy?

"I'm 28." I tell her.
"So we're only 7 years apart." She says smiling at me.

We finally reach the Chinese place and we exit the car.
Being the total gentlemen I am I open the door for her and she thanks me.

"Hey Nathan!" She waves to the guy at the counter.
"What's shaking Y/n?"
He begins to eye her up and down.
"Will today be the day you let me get with you?" He asks eyeing her down in an inappropriate way.

I go to say something but Y/n responds before I can.
"Yeah right," She laughs.
"You ask everyday I come here and everyday it's a no."
I don't question anything that just happened and get in line, waiting for my turn.

"Anyways," She says.
"I need the usual, but can you add what ever that guy Mark buys onto mine." My eyes go wide.
"No no no, I can't let you do that."
She waves her hand at me.
"You helped me, so I'm going to help you."
"But I don't need-"
"No ifs, ands, or buts about it." She says cutting me off.

This women is really nice.

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See ya' in the chapter.

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