Twenty-One | How Could She?

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Mark's POV

For the next hour and a half we pack up the rest of her stuff.
Y/n doesn't really have many things so we kept stopping every now and then to goof off.
"What time is it?" Y/n asks.
"Almost ten." I tell her as I turn on my phone.
"We should be getting some sleep. You're more than welcome to stay here and sleep on my small couch, or you could have my bed." She suggests.
Now that she mentions sleep I start to feel my eyes become droopy.
"Yeah, I think I'll stay on your couch if you don't mind."
Looming to my right I see a very comfortable looking f/c couch.
"You can take any pillow and blanket I'm gonna go take a shower."
Y/n then stumbles over to her dresser. She runs her hands over each drawer before opening the middle one.


She then pulls out black pajama pants. After that she opens another drawer and pulls out a hoodie with Ethan's logo on it.
Finally, she gets up and walks into the bathroom, closing the door. I sigh and go over to the couch, laying on it
"What am I doing?" I whisper to myself.
"Am I being weird by staying here for the night? No, she's the one who offered."
I glance Aron d the room and look at all the boxes.
Tomorrow for going to be helping her move into my house. That really fun woman is going to be living with me. Man I sound super creepy.

Y/n comes out of the bathroom.
Her h/l h/c hair is wet and her e/c eyes look pale as the light from a lamp hits them. The sweatshirt is baggy on her. She looks adorable.
"Here's a towel." She throws the towel that was in her hand at me.
"Take a shower you smelly."
I chuckle.
"You don't have to tell me twice."
I say while picking up the towel and going into the bathroom.
On the floor by the shower is a blue fuzzy mat and the curtains have little anime characters on them. I smile and turn on the water. Taking off my clothes, I wait for the water to warm up a bit. After a few seconds, I hop in and the warm water on my bare back causes me to shiver.

What am I doing?
I offered a random girl I met a few days ago to move in with me. Who cares if she's pretty and funny. Y/n could be a murderer for all I know!
I'm pretty sure she's isn't though, but you can never tell now-a-days.

I shake away those thoughts while moving my first gets through my soaked hair.

Is cereal a soup or a salad?
What the hell Mark?
What does that even mean?!

(A/n - No joke that question was written on my desk in science class lol)

I turn off the water and pull back the curtains. Taking the black towel that Y/n gave me, I dry myself off and put my clothes back on. When I open the door I see her passed out on her bed.
I chuckle and turn off her bedside lamp.
"Night." I whisper and kiss her on the cheek.

Ethan's POV



I open my eyes and turn off my alarm.
"Dang it." I mumble.
I must have fallen asleep last night while studying. I also forgot to text Y/n.
My mind still couldn't get off the fact that Mark likes Y/n, who he barely knows, and could take her from me. I wipe the sleep from my eyes and get up out of bed. I then get dressed in a grey T-shirt and black pants.

Good enough.

Throwing on some shoes I head out my apartment and shoot Y/n a text.

Bluebie - Hey, sorry for not texting you last night. I'm on my way to your dorm so be ready.

With that, I make my way toward UCLA that's just down the street a bit.


It only takes me about ten minutes to reach Y/n's dorm room. When I do, I knock on the door and open it up.
"Hey Y-"
I cut myself off as my eyes go wide at the sight in front of me.
Mark is walking out her bathroom without his shirt on and a tooth brush is hanging out his mouth.

Did they-?

Both Mark and I just stand there staring at each other in shock.
"Ethan?" Y/n's tired voice makes me turn my head.
She's wearing just a sweatshirt that has my logo on it.
I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes.
"I-It's not what it looks like!"
Mark stutters, pulling the toothbrush from his mouth.
"What does it look like?" Y/n asks with an innocent and confused look on her face.
I can't even bring myself to speak. I just turn around and run out the door, shutting it behind me. I then proceed to run out the whole building and off campus.
I have no idea where I'm going, but tears cloud my vision and people yell angrily at me for almost hitting them.

H....How could she?

Hey guys! I am so sorry that this chapter is so short. I just think that this is a good place to end this one. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it. If you did please vote and comment.

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