Forty | Later

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Thank you all for 29.3K!!!!
You guys are the best!
I hope you enjoy this chapter even though it's kind of a filler.


Y/n's POV

We pick up Kad and she cries in the back seat as she tells us exactly what has been happening. My blood begins to boil with anger.
"So he took advantage of you when you were vulnerable?" I hold in my anger as best as I can.
"Mark?" I face toward the man who is very silent.
"Yes?" He asks a bit of worry hinted in his tone of voice.
"Can you take me over to Nathan's house?" I ask in the nicest tone that I can muster.
"Y/n that doesn't seem-"
I cut him off by opening my door.
"Then I'll walk." I say and hop out.
"Y/N!" Kadence screams.
I hear hoking and quickly jump out the way.

I guess I'm in the middle to the street.

Pulling out my cane, I storm off in the direction that i think his house is in.
"Y/n," Mark calls out the car window to me.
I can tell he's driving slowly next to me.
"What?" I ask, annoyed.
"Get in the car and I'll take you there."
I shake my head.
"You're going th wrong way."
I stop dead in my tracks, feeling my whole face go red. Sighing, i walk over to the car and hop back in.
"Thanks." He says.
"Yeah, yeah." I mumble.


"We're here." Mark tells me.
Nodding to him, i once again get put and basically run up the sidewalk.
My cane hits something that I assume is the door. Reaching out my fist, i begin to furiously knock on the door.
It opens and i immediately stop.
"You jerk!" I yell and poke him really hard in the chest.
"What di-?"
Before he can even finish his sentence I scream and jump on him.
"You took advantage of my friend!"
I yell in his face as I hit his chest with my fists.
"Y/n!" Two people yell at me before I feel them pull me off of him.
"Let me at him!" I scream, kicking my legs and flailing my arms.
One of the people let go of me and o feel two steong arms snake around my waist.
"Shhhhh." Mark's deep voice flows into my ears.
"Calm down darling."
I instantly stop making a fool of myself and let him carry me back to the car.
"THIS ISN'T OVER!! I yell to Nathan.
Mark then throws me into the car and drives off.

Soon we're home and I've calmed down. I apologized to them both and they accepted it. I gave Kadence a quick hug before she left back to campus to tell her girlfriend about what happened. I pray that they'll stay together, but you never know.


Ethan's YouTube channel has been doing really good since he started fulltime and I'm such a proud mother.

Kadence and her girlfriend have had a rough time since the whole Nathan incident, but they promised to stay together.

Mark and I have grown closer.
I've even been in a video or two of his and really enjoyed it.
I understand why he loves his job so much now.

College is out for the summer and this year coming up will be my last.
Then I'll use my psychology skills to help out other blind people.
I'll mostly help out kids and people who are new to being blind so thag they can understand how to deal with certain day-to-day things.
I wont even go for the whole year before graduating.
Im going to take my last two coarses next month and then be done before school even technically starts.

Brushing my hair, I smile.
A million thoughts rush throigh my head, but one stands out.

What to get Mark for his birthday.

It's coming up in a few weeks and I've been wondering about what to get him for a while. When i asked he told me that I didn't have to get him anything. We all know that's a lie.
I have to get him something, anything.

"Y/n!" Mark yells from his recording room.
"Yeah?!" I yell back, not wanting to really get up.
"Come here!"
Groaning, I get up off my bed and pull out my cane.

In a way I'm kind of glad that Ethan told Mark about me being blind.
Now I can use my cane around him and not have him question it.
A month ago Ethan and I finally talked about him liking me and how it wasn't right for him to have told Mark. I accepted his apology and he decided that we are just better off as best friends, which I'm happy about.
I really didn't want to loose him because of spmething like that.

Pushing open the door to his recording room, I'm immediately met with the feeling of being watched.
"Are you still recording?" I ask.
"Yup." He says, popping the p.
"Why?" I ask.
"Well I figured that now was the perfect time to tell the community something because of what today is."
I raise an eyebrow at him.
"What?" I question, confused.
"Everyone, Y/n and I have been dating for a few months now and..." He trails off.
I feel my face go red as he tells all 22million of his subscribers about our relationship.
"Today is our anniversary!"
My eyes widen.

I forgot that Mark likes to celebrate us getting togetger every month up until a year. He's such a sweetheart, but also a weirdo.

I chuckle at that thought and walk over to him. Before I can open my mouth to say anything, he picks me up and sets me on his lap.
"Now that that's out of the way, you should stay and record this video with me." He says.
"What are you playing?" I ask.
The two videos that Mark and I have done were all challenge videos, so games was a bit new.
"Uno." He says.
"Here's some headphones so you can hear Bob and Wade."
I feel him put the headphones on my head and immediately I hear two men yelling at each other.
"Jesus!" I yell.
The two men immediately quiet down.
"Whose that?" One asks.
"I think someone may have hacked our call." The other says.
Mark chuckles.
"This is Y/n guys. She's my girlfriend."
They all make 'oohh' sounds making me giggle.
"She's just going to be in our call to hang out." Mark tells them.
"Hi." I awkwardly greet them.
"I'm Bob." The one guy says.
"Wade." Says the other.
"Get ready for some yelling." Mark warns me.
I nod.

This should be fun.

Hey guys! I realize that it's been some time since I've posted a new chapter.
All the apps on my old phone stopped working and I just got a new one last week. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Love you guys❤

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