Forty-Eight | Gone

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Y/n's POV


I'm strapped to a cold metal table.
I just got to Alabama since the people in Nebraska have failed to 'heal' me.
My eyes are closed and I'm trying to get some sleep as the people around me talk. I haven't slept in the last two days. Constant experimentation.
It sucks.

"So her legs then?" A woman asks, sounding a bit concerned.
"Yes. She doesn't need them anyways."
My eyes shoot open as a new found fear rises within me.
"What are you going to do to my legs?!" I yell.

"Sedate her."
Before I can do anything there's a needle in my neck.

"She'll feel woozy, but wont pass out."
Someone says.
My brain can no longer focus on a single thought.
"It'll only last ten minutes. Thats enough time for us to get the next needle ready."

I hear people begin to run around the room and the sloshing of liquids.
Someone puts their hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to face them.
I can feel the sadness radiating off of them.
"Why so sad~" i ask, my voice sounding like I'm drunk.
"Huh?" It sounds like a young guy, probably around my age.
He seems confused.
"I can feel your sadness." I say.
"I-uh..." He trails off. "I dont think this is right." He quickly whispers.
"What?" Now it's my turn to be confused.
My sedated brain cant process whats happening. He boy sighs.
"Daniel!" A harsh voice yells.
"Y-yes Sir?" The boy next to me sounds scared.
"Why are you talking to it?" He seems angered.

Why is he so mad?

"I was-s just asking her s-s-some questions about her old ex-p-periments." He stutters.
"Alright," The man says. "Just take these needles and inject them into her legs."
My eyes widen as I feel whatever they put in me begin to wear off.
"One in the left, other in the right. You have to do it at the same time."
I start to struggle against the restraints, but can't mive much.
I hear footsteps and then there's a warm hand on my thigh.
"Test One - Leg paralyzation." The boy, Daniel shouts so everyone can hear.

Leg paralyzation?!

I struggle even more, but to no avail.
My wrists are in imense pain.

I can't lose the only thing i have.

I push harder into the straps, cutting my wrists.
I feel a needle go into each of my legs.
I scream out in pain as the thick liquid is forced into my veins.
I don't even notice when he takes out the needle because the pain in my legs is so intense.

My screams echo throughout the room until it feels like my vocal cords are going to rip. Yet i keep screaming.
The pain in my throat doesnt compare to the pain I feel courses through my veins. Its like steaming hot lava burning your organs.
"MAKE IT STOP!" I beg.
My fingernails dug deep into the palms of my hand. I can feel them cut through my frail flesh.
"PLEASE!" The tears dont stop.
No one in the room speaks.
Sweat pours down my forehead.
It all then goes away at once.
The pain stops, but so does all feeling in my legs.
My screaming stops too; mostly because my voice cut out.
I try to wiggle my toes, but they dont move. I can feel my nerves trying to move them, but they still dont.
"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" My scream is more like a whisper.

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