Chapter 41 - Another Looped Pattern

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Chapter 41 - Another Looped Pattern

I've noticed five things today:

1. Everyone takes everything for granted. They complain too much and forget what's actually beautiful in this world. They get stuck in their own drama and forget that their life is better than others.

2. Nobody thinks things through. They say comments and do actions that are on complete instinct. They never give things a second thought and react irresponsibly.

3. Everyone ignores their problems by creating problems for others. Whether they're being abandoned or get too much attention, they create issues for everyone because it's "fun" and they don't have to think about their own.

4. There's two different types of people in this world: The Good, and The Bad. There aren't enough Good people and if there ever is, they're too shy to express their kindness. They get shoved into a box by The Bad and wait until the coast is clear to come out again, only to be shoved back in a few minutes later.

5. I've managed to get myself in every situation that I've listed.

It's hard to believe how fast things can happen. I mean, one second, I'm just casually choking on my casserole because I have to make these two (somehow attractive) men feel better by settling whether or not they're bearable to deal with. The next second, everything turns to shit and I find myself sobbing into a pillow while another (somehow attractive) man beats the others for selling me to a pedophile.

But you got out.

... Well, when you put it that way, it doesn't sound so bad.

This is why optimistic people live better lives.

Hm. I wonder how an optimist would think through this whole situation. "Ah! I'm stuck in a house with three hot guys who take good care of me while I make their house smell nicer. One of them can cook! I'm so lucky!"

The thought of someone saying that made me sick. I made a disgusted face as I walked across the pavement, spacing out as I thought of what a person like that would look like.

Bright red, wavy hair. She would have a bright green- no, yellow barrette holding back her bangs. She would skip along fields in a pink shirt, purple skirt, and miss match long socks with aqua blue sneakers. Oh, and maybe a yellow scarf. And freckles too.

"Wow. I didn't know my face was that hideous." Mason sighed, casually walking next to me. I jumped with surprise and stared at him wide-eyed.

I looked up at him and he calmly walked next to me with his eyes closed. He smiled slightly and looked down at me, his face changing when he saw the tear stains on my cheeks. I quickly looked back down and wiped my face, walking faster on the sidewalk to get to my house quicker. "Wait, Melissa!" He said, confused. He grabbed my wrist and yanked me back, so his arm ended up being around my shoulder. "What happened?"

"Ah." I silently gasped and rubbed my wrist in pain. I glared at the ground and then pushed him away. He seemed shocked, so I ran away before he could process.

God damn. It's like I can't live a single day without running away from someone; another looped pattern that I need to get out of.

I turned the corner into my neighborhood and I guess Mason stayed behind because I didn't see him after that. After a few minutes of walking down the cold sidewalks, I finally saw my house and quickened my pace.

I entered the house and I breathed in the familiar yet new smell. I've been gone for so long, I couldn't recognize it. I smelled my arm to see if maybe it was just me. I didn't smell anything new. Maybe there was a hint of cologne but that smelt... normal to me.

That's what happens when you're in a house full of men for more than a month.

You make it sound like it's my fault.

You're the one who froze up when a complete stranger grabbed you and put you in their van. You're also the one who didn't immediately call the police the first time you escaped.


"Melissa, sweetheart. Here to stay, hopefully?" My mother peeked from behind a wall and ran up to me for a hug. She kissed my forehead. "Yeah, hopefully." I sighed with a smile. "Is Ruby home?"

"Yeah. She's in her room, but don't disturb her. She's with her new boyfriend." My mom winked. "A real gentleman, I must say."

My eyes widened to that and I ran to Ruby's room, busting through the door. I was greeted with the sight of Justin and Ruby sitting on her bed, his arm around her shoulders and her sitting closer than I thought her comfort zone could take.

I wide grin grew on my face and I shook my fists in excitement. "OMG YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER. Since when????"

Surprised, they both crawled away from each other with an embarrassed smile. It only took a second for Ruby to realize that I was actually here. Her grin grew too and she leaped off the bed for a hug. "When did you get here?? How long will you be here??"

"Hopefully forever. I... have a lot to explain." I breathed and I made eye contact with Justin.

Justin grinned so much, I think the corners of his mouse touched his eyes. "I'm glad you're back Melissa!" He scrambled off the bed to hug and I chuckled a bit.

"Alright, we all have beans to spill." I smiled as I sat on the small couch in Ruby's room. Justin and she sat back on the bed (with a larger distance). "No, it's more important to know than just spilling. We need to yeet those beans across the room. Now tell us how the hell you got here!" Ruby exclaimed, closing the door to her room so mom wouldn't eavesdrop.

Author's Note

Alright. New Plan with the schedule that I can't keep up with:

1000 words.
Hopefully every weekend.
Books take turns updating.
Ex: NSCK This Weekend. DD Next Weekend.

God, I'm sorry for not updating enough. I don't even have an excuse. I'm just lazy. If you must, spam my phone with comments to write. My lazy ass needs more motivation. ;-;

Well, thanks for reading! New chapter coming soon!

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