Chapter 18 : Just Wait

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Lisa's Point of View

I still can't forget the look Jungkook made earlier. Pain and Sadness. As much as I want to deny it, we're just the same.

"Yes Chae. I'm fine"

So he's talking with Rosé. I know it sounds creepy but I'm listening to his voice, while leaning behind the doors. He can't see me anyway, I was covered by the curtains.

"Bye..... Love you too" he then hung up and sighed.

I sighed too, relief? Maybe.

"I know you're there" my breath hitched.

He knew?

"Lisa, I can see you're hair between the curtains" I looked at my hair and it wasn't covered.

Yeah right, way to go Lisa!

I slowly opened the curtains and saw him leaning on the rails. I remained inside my room while the railings and the door are the only things separated us.

"How's your wound?" I asked to break the silence.

"It's fine. Well I wouldn't have gotten one if it weren't for you"

"It's not my fault you're stupid enough to hit the lightings" I said back, but I realized, I shouldn't have said those.

"You're right, I'm stupid. So stupid enough to let you go" he said and looked down.

I felt guilty for saying those thoughtless words. My eyes went down to his wound and it was still bleeding very hard.

"Stay here for a moment" I said and went inside my room to get the first aid kit.

After that, I went back to him and grabbed his arm. He was hesitant at first but still have in anyway.

"This kind of bandaging can make your wound worst. Who did this?" I asked while unwrapping that bandage.

"Chaeyoung" he simply replied and I just nod.

I cleaned his wound and it was slowly getting infected, fortunately I decided to clean this again and sooner it will get better.
"Lisa, why can't you accept me back again?" Judging from how his voice shakes, he's in the verge of crying.

"Jungkook, you're the one who decided. And your decision wasn't me. You didn't even visit me when I'm in the hospital. Oh yeah, you're girlfriend was in the hospital too" I said and finished bandaging his wound.

I gave him a tap on his shoulder and stood up. Right when I was about to enter the door, he spun me around and pushed me against it.

"Like I said, I never chose her. In fact, you never let me decide. So why are you making me crazy with thinking what I had done wrong!" He said and angrily and gripped on my arms.

"Do you even know how much I hold myself back from hugging you, kissing you, and touching you? Every time I do those things to you is because I want your attention only to me! But why? Why did you chose Jimin?"

I was shocked when tears fell down his eyes. I want to wipe it but he gripped on my arms so I can't move.

"Jungkook. Our relationship was forced in the first placed. But it never worked, not for me. We didn't even have a time of our own, I'm always the one who's hurt and I thinks it's unfair..... "

"Then hurt me! Hurt me until your satisfied but please....... Come back to me" he leaned his head on my shoulder and cried.

I held my tears back. I don't want to regret my decisions, but I can't bare seeing him like this. It doubles the pain I had when he's with Rosé. His grip loosen so I touched his cheeks dn made him look at me.

"Jungkook, even though we're not with each other. I still love you. But I'm only waiting for the right time. Where it would only be you and me, where the place and time is really for us. But promise me you'll wait for that too" I whispered to him.

He nodded and pulled back from me. I stand on my tippy toes and kissed his forehead.

"Goodbye Jungkook, for now" I said and entered my room.


"Lisa! I miss you my daughter!" Hoseok shouted and run to me with open arms.

"Yah! She's my daughter!" Jin shouted too.

I just shook my head. Lord! At first you gave me two idiots and now you added four. You must really love me huh.

"Guys, we just didn't see each other for two days! My God!" I exclaimed and wiped my sweat off my forehead.

"Awww! But I really missed our little Lisa" Hoseok said and pinched both of my cheeks.

While we were having fun and laughing, we were disturb by someone.

"Uhm, guys?" We stopped and looked at that person, only to see Rosé.

"Yes?" I asked.

She looked worried and sad. Is there something wrong?

"Have you seen Jungkook lately? He's not answering my calls nor my texts. Maybe he's with you? His maid also said that he left Saturday morning so I thought he was with you the whole weekend" She asked and we looked at each other.

I'm starting to get worried too. Where could've Jungkook gone too?

"Sorry Chae, but we haven't seen him since Friday, and if we do, we'll tell you" Jimin said and Rosé just nodded her head before walking off.

"Geez! Where could that kid have gone to?" Yoongi asked and scratched his head.

I felt my phone buzzed, so I opened it. But the sender, was Jungkook. I secretly read his message:

"I'll wait for the right time and right place. But for now, I'll stay low, you can only find me in the place where I first saw you"

Place where he first saw me? Isn't it at the school?

What does he mean by that?


Author's nonsense note:

Short update!!!


This wave is for.......

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