Chapter 48, Hybrid Semblance

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Daniel Murchison (Daniel's POV)

     "Wayra," I say. "It's me, Daniel! Don't let it control you, fight it!"

Her eye color starts to change, then she passes out. I manage to grab her just before she hits the ground, then take her back to the infirmary. Porlyusica turns to my direction, Lavender is with her.

"What happened?" Lav asks.

"I'm not sure," I reply. "Whatever Aryaw threw at her seemed to be a catalyst for dark energy. She didn't even recognize me, it was like she was a different person!"

"This is bad," says Porlyuscia. "From what Lavander has told me, it would be wise for her to stay here for the night."

"You told her?" I ask.

"She's a healer," Lav replies. "She might be able to help!"

"The whole point of a secret," I say. "Is that no one's supposed to know, don't you get that?!"

Both of them look at me with a feared look in their eyes, I am getting worse. Whatever affected Wayra is getting to me as well.

"Sorry," I say. "You're right. Keep her restrained as well, if she doesn't snap out of it we don't want her running all over Crocus."
Wayra A. K. G.
(Wayra's POV)

I wake up a while later in the infirmary. I try to move, but I'm stuck! I look down and see that I'm being restrained with strong steal ropes. What is going on?!

"D-Daniel?!" I call out half with words and half telepathically. "W-Why am I restrained? I don't remember anything! I must of passed out... I-I lost... Didn't I?"

Just then, a lady walks up. She seems cautious at first, but then when she looks at my eyes, she relaxes.

"I'm Porlyuscia," She says. "I'm your healer."

"Right, I must have been beaten pretty badly if I fell asleep in the middle of the match..." I say.

There is a long silence.

"You really don't remember anything?" She asks me.

I shake my head.

"Not after I fell asleep. AARRGG!!! I knew she had a trick up her sleeve! I should of known she would figure out a way to make me sleepy!" I rant.

"Now, settle down! You can't win them all!" Porlysuscia says.

"I know! But it's just frustrating when you can't win squarely, with no tricks!" I say.

"Sadly, you did." Porlysuscia Says.

"What?" I ask confused.

"The match with Lily, you won." She tells me.

I let it sink in.

"But... How? I was passed out! And it's not like she threw dark energy at me or anything... I would of felt it! I always feel dark energy when I'm near it. But she did do a very powerful attack on me... The last I saw was her filling her fist with all the magic she had and punching me hard!"

Just then, I see Daniel walk in. He is cautious at first too, then seems fine with me.

"Why does everyone seem scared of me at first? What did I do?!" I ask.

Daniel sighs, then he explains to me everything I did and how I changed.
Everything is silent for a long time before Daniel finally breaks the silence.

"We think Aryaw had something to do with it." Daniel says.

I sigh. "No." I say.

"What?" He asks.

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