Chapter 49, Targets

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Daniel Murchison
(Wayra's POV)
"So," Natsu says, "What's the plan for today, it's already day three of the games!"

"That depends on what the event is for today," Lavandar said, "As for who volunteers, I think that Cristlina should be the one."

"You really trust her," Gajeel asked, "After she went nuts at her match with that Sharr girl?"

"I already told you," Daniel said, "She had a takeover spell that didn't really end well. The form was from a creature that was one of Atlas Durza's minions. Cristlina managed to do a full body takeover in order to save Lavandar."

I look at Daniel, obviously he told them half of what I explained to him and Lavandar last night. But why did he mix it with lies?

"Hey Jay," Lavandar asked, "Can I talk to you and Cristlina in private?"

He nods his head, then gets up from his chair. I do the same, and we follow her to the another room.

"What's up?" I asked.

She turns to Daniel, "We have to tell her Dan."

"What?" He replied, "We agreed not to say anything about it!"

"I'm tired of secrets," she said, "I've tried to keep secrets from you, it didn't work. Now you want me to try and keep this from her? I just can't!"

He sighs, then nods his head in agreement.

"Hey guys," I said, "What secret are you talking about?"

They then explain what they had discovered last night between Daniel and my transformation.
Wayra A. K. G.
I burst out laughing, I laugh even more when I see their confused faces.

"Were telling the truth!" Lavender tells me.

"I know, I know. This isn't surprising! I mean, for whatever weird reason me and Daniel are connected and connecting, so I was wondering myself if he could turn into a hybrid! Actually, I had a dream once where I set a hybrid free, I'll tell it to you! I have to warn you though... It's really weird!" I say.

"Not the reaction I was expecting, but go ahead." Daniel says.

"Ok." I say.

I start telling my dream.

A dream I had on: Sat/April/1st/2017/

Title: The Passage to Freedom

I had this dream the night before the last. I was walking around at nighttime in a park, when I hear rustling noises in the bushes. I look around, trying to find the source of the noise. I hear it again, the rustling. It's coming from... Behind me! I stay still. What could it be? I also start hearing growling noises. Uh-oh. Was it something like a wolf? Should I scream? Loud noises seem to scare them away. I also start smelling this smell... It's an odd smell. Not disturbing, but not pleasant either. I find myself so into trying to figure the smell out that I don't even notice what's sneaking up on me until it's to late to try and hide. I finally realize what's happening and spin around. I was face- to-face with a person. I didn't know who it was. Their face was slightly covered by a cloak so that I couldn't tell if it was a girl of a boy. It didn't really matter. The person looked about my age or younger, I couldn't really tell. The person was wearing sneakers, jeans, and a t-shirt. I could tell from the look in it's eye that it wanted something from me.
"I-Is there anything I can do for you?" I ask nervously.
The person smiles and says:
"As a matter of fact, their is."
I pretend not to notice the razor-sharp pointy vampire fangs sticking out of it's mouth.
"Oh, and in case you're wondering, i'm a girl."
"Oh? I couldn't tell at first glance."
I laugh nervously. She removes the hood covering her face. As she does, her beautiful blond hair pours out. It passes her butt a little. It's wavy and her beautiful lyme green eyes make her seem like an anime character.
"And i'm actually hundreds of years older than you."
"Wh-What do you want?" I ask her again.
"I want to be free." She tells me.
"I have hurt countless people because of this curse. I'm ready to be free of it! I'm sure that you have noticed by now, that i'm a Vampire?" I can tell she is desperate.
I nod.
"It's pretty obvious. How is it that I can help with this?" She moves closer to me. I flinch but stay still. She leans in to whisper in my ear:
"You're special, all I need is a little blood and it will all be over."
I turn white. I could tell that she wouldn't leave until she got what she wanted.
"W-Will it really help you?" I ask. She nods.
"Ok then." I agree.
She opens her hand and long pointy claws grow from her fingernails, she reaches over and quickly scratches my back.
"I'm also a Werewolf." She informs me.
"A Hybrid." I realize as the venom begins taking effect.
The cold feeling spreads quickly and my body goes limp. The girl catches me as I fall. I couldn't move.
"Thank you." She whispers.
I could feel the deep gratitude in her voice. I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my left shoulder. I wince. I knew she had bitten me. I am strangely calm, even though I was scared. I could feel her feeding. Then the pain starts slowly going away. I strain my neck to look up. It was difficult, the venom prevented me from moving. She had removed her teeth from my neck and was licking her lips. She smiled at me and I saw her fangs start to shrink, her claws to, until they were gone altogether. She gently lays me down in the grass.
"Thank you." She says again.
"This might have side effects. When you wake up, you might have a pimple on your shoulder, or a small whole you should disinfect."
I nod. I understand. This is a dream after all. But it seems so real! Maybe in a way, it is? I see her start to turn transparent.
"Thanks to you, I can rest now." She says.
She starts to sparkle and fade. Then she is gone completely.
I sigh. I always dream weird things.
I feel strangely happy I had helped her. I sigh again as the familiar tingling feeling comes back and I wake up. I sit up in bed and touch my shoulder. Sure enough, their is the whole. I go show my mom. She thinks that it's a popped pimple and helps me disinfect it with warm water and salt. Soon, I will write my dream down in my dream journal.

When I finish telling my dream, I look at them.

"Sooo... What do you think?" I finally ask. "Do ya think it has something to do with me being a hybrid? Or was that just a regular old dream?"
Daniel Murchison
"Hard to say," Daniel said, "It does make sense on how you became a hybrid, but why would this happen in a dream?"

"Either way," Lavandar said, "We should get back, Gajeel and Natsu might get curious."

We head back and finish our breakfast, then head to the arena.
Wayra A. K. G.
I follow Daniel, Lavender and the others to the arena and start thinking: It wasn't really surprising to learn that Daniel can copy abilities. I wonder if he can control it? I have to learn to control all of my takeovers.
Daniel Murchison
"Ladies and gentlemen," we heard, "Welcome to day three of the Garnd Magic Games! In first, we have Fairy Tail team A, second place is Crescent Hollow, third is a tie between Sabertooth and Fairy Tail team B, fourth is Lamia Scale, fifth is Mermaid Heel, sixth is Blue Pegasus, and Quatro Cerberus is last. For today's game, we will have shooting ally, with a twist! Instead of shooting targets, you will be shooting your opponents. You each will be given a magic rifle, when you hit your target, you will be given one point. If you are hit, you will have one point taken away. Will all contestants please make their way to the arena!"
Wayra A. K. G.
Ahh. Targets.

"Do you still want me to be the one to compete for this?" I ask Lavender.

She nods.

"Yes." She says.

"You have good aim, right?" Daniel asks.

"I think so, from what I can tell at least. I did get a bull's eye with a bow and arrow once." I say. "Once."

"Then go out there." Daniel tells me.

I take a breath.

"Ok." I say.

I go to the arena.
Daniel Murchison
(Daniel's POV)
I watch as Wayra heads down to the arena, let's just hope nothing goes wrong.

"It looks like," said Chapati, "That Fairy Tail team A has Cristlina Starr in the ring! From Crescent Hollow is the Firey She-Titan Daisy! Sabertooth has their Celestial Wizard, Yukino! From Fairy Tail team B is the guilds sharpshooter, Bisca Mullan!"

I turn my head, Bisca was in the arena! Great, that meant one of the others switched out with her. He continued to name off everyone else, but I didn't pay attention. I decided to get a bit to eat. As I walked out, my vision starts to get a little blurry. I look at my hands, and I see them turn to claws of some sort! I pull out a small mirror from my pocket and one it. Sure enough, my teeth had become fangs and my eyes were bright purple. The semblance I took from Wayra was out of control due to my emotions, I needed to make sure that I didn't black out like Wayra. I sit down in the middle of the walkway and start to meditate. After a few minutes, I was back to normal.

"Huh," I said to myself, "I wonder why my eyes were purple instead of red? Maybe it's similar to Yang's semblance."

When I first met Yang, I found out that her semblance allows her to get stronger with each hit she takes. The only way to know if she activated it was that her eyes would turn red. When I used it, for some reason my eyes turned purple instead. I continue walking and grab some food. I made sure to grab some extra for Natsu. As I walked back, I passed by a figure in a black cloak. Was it Kairo? No, this was a standard cloak, no marks on it. Was it one of the twins? No, they show up together and in dreams. I decided to continue walking, but that figure still gave me the creeps.

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