Caught one

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Jimin was staring into space— well by space it was more like staring at the most popular guy in school. He was good at sports mainly basketball, ace in music and a straight A student. He has everything a person could look for! He's smart, rich, and heavenly handsome. Who wouldn't fall for him?

A snap in reality woke Jimin up, "You have got to be kidding me. Again?"

"Oh, Taehyung."

"There! That's what I'm talking about! I've been talking here for god knows how long and you're just ignoring me! Quit staring at your 'Prince Charming' and just talk to him already if you're that in love with him." Jimin quickly slapped his friend's mouth shut and looked both sides to inspect if someone heard it. Luckily, no one did.

"Tae!" He shouted in frustration while pulling his hand back during the process. "You don't say that out loud!"

"Psh, you've been crushing him since preschool! And the longest you've said to him was 'Hey'." Taehyung scoffed saying the word 'hey' in a mocking baby voice.

"Hey stop with the hyperbole! It's grade school, get it right." He defensively pouted and crossed his arms.

Taehyung flashed him a disbelief look before throwing an arm around his bestfriend as they walk down the hallway. "My friend, you are definitely whipped. So why don't you ask him out?"

"I like things slow, I don't want to make him think I'm obsessed with him or something." He rolled his eyes.

"But that's just the point! You are! Since pre—"

It was then Jimin saw the familiar brunette male walking towards their direction. He nudged his friend in the arm to shut him up. "Shh! Here he comes!"

Sure enough, there he was. The boy Jimin was deeply in love with, Min Yoongi. He was walking with the president of student council, did I mention he was also the Vice President of that organization? Jimin just never runs out of reasons not to fall for him more.

"Hey hyung!" Taehyung smiled and waved happily. The two boys noticed and walked toward them. Jimin's eyes went wide when they were getting nearer. Why did he call out to them?!

"Oh hey guys! Taehyung, Jimin." Kim Namjoon, the President greeted smiling revealing his deep dimples.

Yoongi remained silent, eyeing Jimin as he tenses up and fiddled with his fingers. He chuckled and smirked, "Hi Jimin!"

The blonde jolted up in surprise and stiffened up, "He-H-Hey."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and poke his friend's side insisting him to say more but the latter just glared back. He sighed and thought it was about time to give Jimin a little push. "Uhm Namjoon hyung! Mind going to the library with me?"

"Sure! Yoongi, you coming?"

"Nah, I'll accompany Jimin here."

"What?" The smallest spoke with wide eyes. His eyes darted on the grinning friend beside him. Taehyung pulled Namjoon's arm and tugged him away while saying their goodbyes.

"So Jimin—"

"I-I remember I left the oven on! B-bye!"

"Wait Jimin!" Yoongi was too late, the younger was already sprinting away.

Why does he always run away from me? Am I scaring him? Does he have an oven in school?, Yoongi thought before leaving the hall and catching up with the two going to the library.

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