Caught forty-eight*

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Written by: LinAinFloralHyoung

"Is Yoongi hyung going to be here any minute?" Jimin asked himself. He then see a boy running towards the cafe.

"I'm sorry that I'm late, I'll get straight to the riddle." Yoongi said pulling out his phone.

"Four legs that don't walk."

"A table!" Jimin proudly said.

"This is too easy. Damn Namj—"

"Namjoon suggested it?"

"Yeah, he did! He told me it's impossible to answer— Hold on, you know Namjoon?" Yoongi furrowed his eye brows skeptically.

Jimin's eyes went wide in realization. "I-uh, of course! H-He's the president of student council."

Yoongi squinted his eyes in suspicion before shrugging. "See you tomorrow Kumamon."

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