Caught sixteen

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Yoongi rushed inside his apartment that he shared with his friends. He wanted to go to his room and stare at his laptop the whole night, memorizing names. But his friends had something different in mind.

He stared at the two taller males and asked, "Move, I have something to do."

"Not today Min, we've got something to ask you."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I don't have time for this! I have something more important to do!" The next thing he knew, he was being dragged into the living room and was forced to sit on the couch. His two friends, crossed arms and standing in front of him. "This is ridiculous, what now?"

"Well, me and Joon noticed how wide your smile every time you come home. Why?" Jin raised an eye brow, bending down to face Yoongi who was now wearing an annoyed look trying to hide his nervousness.

"Is it bad to smile once in a while?"

"We don't believe that you would smile once in a while because you're the prince of grumpiness. That's impossible!" Namjoon added, his boyfriend agreeing at his statement.

"Yes now spill! What's the reason of your happiness? Is it Jimin? Did you confess? Did he confess? WHAT!"

"No it's not Jimin, okay? He's been avoiding me since the coughing incident remember?" Yoongi scoffed at his friends.

Jin gasped loudly. "Then is it possible? Are you liking someone else already?! Have you finally give up from your one sides love for Jimin?!"

"N-no! I'm just... being occupied with something else right now." The male looked down, avoiding his friends' eye contact.

"Who? I mean, you're not close to anyone else other than me and Jin hyung. The only people you talk to at school is Hoseok, that other dance kid Jungkook, your crush's best friend Taehyung and Jimin." Namjoon uttered bluntly. "As for the rest, they don't exist in your eyes."

Yoongi wanted to talk back but he kept his mouth close before sighing, "As much as I want to argue, I wouldn't because that would mean the conversation will last longer and I don't want that."

"Rude!" Jin spat loudly. "Then spill it! Who's the guy? You're only making this longer than it should be."

"Ugh fine, remember the Kumamon mascot at that one store?"

"OH NO WAY!" The oldest squealed, jumping up and down excitedly. "So after S.C. you always go there and like flirt around? That's why you're always so happy when you arrive here?"

"We don't flirt around! We just talk,"

"Then why are you always so happy then huh?"

"I don't know! Can we just stop this bullshit? I have a lot to do." Yoongi said trying to get out of the topic as much as possible. But his friends beg to differ.

"Do you like that Kumamon mascot?" Namjoon interrogated with the most intimidating look. "Are you over Jimin now?"

Yoongi paused, "No... I still love Jimin but I'm just giving him space s'all and like I said, he's been avoiding me since that day, I know he's uncomfortable around me. But that doesn't mean I love him any less!"

"But what about the mascot guy?" Jin smirked.

"U-Uh... We're just friends." Yoongi averted his gaze away from the two.

"Hah! You're eyes went to the left which means you're lying! You can't fool me buddy!"

"No! My eyes didn't went to the left! I was looking at the fridge thinking what to eat!" The pale boy protested.

"The fridge is at the left side. Quit denying and fess up already!" Namjoon yelled frustratingly.

"Alright alright!" Yoongi grumbled. "Maybe I do kinda like him...?"

Jin squealed once again, grabbing into his boyfriend's arm and shaking it rapidly while the other was just smirking. "I knew it! So how exactly did you start liking him? Did you see his face? What's his name? Where does he study? Tell me!"

"Aish, so many questions." He groaned.

"Answer it or I'll kick your sorry ass to Uranus." Jin glared at the male, showing him his fist, ready to punch the shit out of him.

"Ugh! I don't know how, no, I don't know but I'll figure it out, I don't know either." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Can I go now?"

The two watched the male leave and didn't have the chance to stop him. "B-but— Did you catch up what he said?"

"Let's see, he said, I don't know how, no, I don't know but I'll figure it out, I don't know either." Namjoon placed a finger under his chin. "What was your first question?"

"How exactly did you start liking him?"

"I don't know how."

"Did you see his face?"


"What's his name?"

"I don't know but I'll figure it out."

"And, where does he study?"

"I don't know either."

"I swear to god, that grandpa is gonna get it!" Jin gritted his teeth. "He rarely likes someone, I'm sure there's something about that Kumamon mascot!"

"Babe, you're exactly like this when he confessed he liked Jimin before— well technically, he didn't confess but rather we forced him to, again." Namjoon chuckled, grabbing his boyfriends waists and hugged him from the back.

"I just get really hyped up when Yoongi shares his mysterious thoughts. And it's always challenging to figure it out!"

"You'll surely figure it out."

Jin smiled, "Thanks Joonie!"

Yoongi jumped into his bed and stared at the ceiling. "Do I really like the Kumamon mascot guy?"

Then he remembered how excited he gets whenever school ends just because he'll be passing by the store again or how happy and warm his insides feel when he hears his giggles and cute muffled voice. A smile crept in Yoongi's lips unconsciously as he felt his heart beating fast. The last time someone made him feel this way was his long one-sided love for Park Jimin.

But he still loved Park Jimin, always.

Now he was sure. He likes the Kumamon mascot without a doubt. He didn't know how or when but all he knows was that, he liked having the other's presence around him. He wants to spend time with him always. He didn't care what the other looked like if he was ugly or handsome, rich or poor, he likes him for who he is with or without mascot.

He quickly wants to know what his name is so he can get to see his face finally. He's excited to see the person behind the mascot. That thought became his motivation and so he opened his laptop and began searching.

Hey guys just wanted to remind you, I know Yoongi may seem like an unloyal freak but c'mon! He's literally liking the same guy! I hope this doesn't cause any issue. Just sharing a thought~!

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