Caught twenty-five*

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A girl with blonde hair approached Jimin with an obvious fake smile. "Hi, can I have a moment of your time?"

"Uh, I'm kind of in the middle of work..." Jimin stated hesitantly not wanting to come out rude.

"I'm really sorry but it's only for a few seconds, it's for a probable cost." She handed him a flyer with a very juvenile design.

"Alright, but please be quick. I'm afraid my manager will catch me,"

"Oh yeah totally! So we are raising funds for our charity to an adoption center. Would you like to help little children to have a better future?"

Jimin's heart melted.

"Of course! I always want to help with charity, though I wouldn't be able to give much since I'm just a store worker." He sincerely added. The thought of children abandoned and homeless made him feel sad, somehow he wanted to give even just a little.

"Oh that's fine! It's already a big help to join."

"So how do I do this? Sorry, it's my first time doing something like this."

The blonde girl chuckled while waving her hand, "No it's cool! Just write your name in this piece of paper with your name and contact number, we'll keep you in touch." She handed him a piece of paper from her wallet and a pen on her back pocket before handing it to him.

Jimin happily took it, the head of his mascot almost falling in his clumsiness. It was hard to see inside from that get up. The girl's phone suddenly rang that caught Jimin's attention making him stop. She rejected the call almost immediately.

He shook his head and started jotting down on the paper, handing it back to her. "Here you go! I'll look forward to seeing you soon!" He waved as the girl thanked him a couple of time before leaving.

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