Caught thirty*

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"Yoongi what in the heck are you doing?"

"Looking for Namjoon's ID card!"

"What do you need that for?"

Yoongi faced the older who was wearing a confused expression as he watched him at the doorframe. "I need to access the records of all the students in campus."

"You know that's basically illegal. The records of the students are all private and you can be expelled for that. Why would you need that anyway?" Seokjin asked.

"You know the Kumamon mascot?"

Jin snorted at the younger. "Of course I do! The only other person who managed to make the 'Min Yoongi' go all softy inside except for Park Jimin."

"Yeah that." Yoongi only responded while going through Namjoon's drawer, practically throwing everything around since the room was already messy.

"Wait so you're doing this for the mascot? Wow, that's a first. Not even Jimin made you so worked up like this to the point that you almost done everything." Seokjin's jaw dropped to the floor.

"You don't get it! That Kumamon mascot is a student at our school which limits my list to a few hundreds! I'm close to finding out his name!"

"Whipped!" Jin smirked at his remark.

"I am not! I'm just— goal-oriented." Yoongi defended himself, a visible frown on his lips.

"Goal-oriented," The older snickered. "Sure."

The latter rubbed his palms over his face. "Now I'm more curious than I was before! I need to find out his name, I need to know who he is. I can't give up now, I won't. I'm in way too deep in this abyss and I'll get to the bottom of this one way or another."

"Well we can help you with that my friend," Yoongi face lit up. "Just do exactly as I say."

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