Caught sixty

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It has been weeks since Jimin started to avoid Yoongi in school and he could tell the latter was doing the same. He thought he really upset him from ditching him before and for interrupting their moment with Hoseok at the dance room. (Refer to chap 5)

Taehyung and him were sitting in class, waiting for the teacher to arrive. "So did Yoongi figure out your identity yet?"

"No, he'll never know who I am and I'll make sure to keep it that way." Jimin sighed, shaking his head.

"But what if he does, are you really gonna take off the mascot and show your face to him?"

"Well a deal's a deal, I guess."

"You should consider telling him the truth though. You can't keep lying to him and yourself forever."

"No! Not an option! You know why I refrain my feelings for him right? He's perfect and I'm not, we're not bound to happen. Never." Jimin shook his head before slumping in his desk, burying his face in the crook of his arms.

"Whatever you say."


Jimin was on his way to the dance studio at 3pm for his weekly dance class when he accidentally overheard Yoongi's friends talking in the hallway while putting their stuffs on their lockers. His ears perked up at hearing the news.

"We need to get home early today, Yoongi's sick and you know how he gets when he's sick." Jin said, looking at his reflection on his hand mirror hidden inside his locker.

"How could I forget? He's like Satan in his worst mood. Last time, he almost rampaged the whole apartment." The taller male, Namjoon, said after a sigh.

"Right and we were the one who cleaned up his mess afterwards."

"Let's just get home as early as possible and make sure he doesn't repeat that scenario again. You bought the medicines right?" Namjoon asks his boyfriend.

Jin only nodded his head, "Of course I did! Now let's head to last period."

Jimin didn't intend to eavesdrop (But he did anyway) and now he's getting concerned if Yoongi was alright. He did kinda look weak from his cold yesterday at the shop. He wanted to make sure he was okay, but can't just go up and ask about his well being! He'd be too embarrassed and will end up like a retard kid who's hopelessly in love with a guy who doesn't even like him.

He thought Hoseok had to know about it, he's sure he'd be so worried as well. He has to know about it too. As soon as he arrived at the dance studio, he saw his senior resting on the side gulping down a bottle of water. He slowly approached him and timidly spoke. "Uh hyung, I heard Yoongi's sick... You must be really worried."

"Yoongi's sick? How bad is it?!"

"I'm not sure."

"Oh no, this is bad! He'll destroy the whole building at this point! Does Jin hyung and Namjoon know?" Hoseok asked, biting his lips.

"I kinda heard it from them," Jimin scratched the back of his neck. "B-But it's not like I eavesdropped their conversation on p-purpose or something!"

The older sighed in relief, "It's fine, thank you for telling me. He'll be fine, I'll just visit him later."

"No problem hyung!" Jimin smiled half-heartedly.

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