Caught six

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Jimin was mentally face palming himself remembering the stupid move he pulled earlier. He couldn't concentrate on his job very well, he was in a daze. How would you feel when you ran away from your crush because you looked like a complete idiot in front of him?

"Hello, Kumamon."

Jimin jumped a bit, getting shocked from the male who appeared out of no where. "Aish, that scared me..." He averted his eyes to the familiar face wearing their school uniform. And even though his sight weren't fully clear from the mascot head, he could tell that it was Yoongi.

Breathe in Jimin... breathe in, stay classy.

"Oh, Yoongi hyung. What brings you here?"

The latter only flashed him a small smile, "Nothing much... I just wanted to clear out my mind and I stumbled upon here without thinking."

"Oh okay." Jimin muttered, remembering that he cruelly ditched him earlier. He wanted to pull out all of his hair and roast himself alive. He felt extremely guilty. But what happened wasn't his fault! It was his overly cowering low-confidence self! - Yeah it was his fault.

"Can I tell you something? You're the only one I can talk to." Jimin only nodded his head slightly, he wanted to make the conversation one sided as much as possible. The guilt was slowly passing every vein in his body.

"I did something wrong today... I didn't consider what he felt and I was being selfish about what I was feeling towards him."

He must be talking about Hoseok again...

"So I figured I should give him space. It's the least I could do for him, support and watch him from afar. After all, he already carries a lot of weight in his shoulders, I don't want to add more to it." Yoongi kept on blabbering but the latter male remained silent to which he arched his eye brows to.

"Why aren't you speaking? Your voice brightens up my day." He glanced at the mascot who was surprisingly silent. "Are you feeling okay? It must be pretty hard in that get up almost everyday, it's very hot."

Jimin only nodded his head because really, it was one hot afternoon and being inside the mascot was like getting inside an oven. Yoongi spoke after checking his watch. "Well I better get going. Thank you for today again Kumamon, see you tomorrow!"

He watched the back of his crush walk away as he muttered under his breath. "Bye Yoongi hyung."


It's only been two weeks since he started this job and he couldn't help but to feel sore everywhere in his body. He has to stand up for four hours a day, from 4 to 8 pm. He always go straight in the shop after their school's dismissal time.

After knowing about Yoongi's feelings towards Hoseok, he stayed away from him as far as possible. Further than usual. He wanted Yoongi to be happy with the person he likes and just like what Yoongi said the other day, he needs to give him space.

He was too caught up about what he felt for Yoongi and didn't thought about what Yoongi felt. So Jimin thought it was about time to forget his feelings for the older. Although it was too painful for him to do so.

"Let's just focus on school, job and mom. School, job and mom." He took a deep breath, "School, job and mom. Yep, that's what I should be thinking."

It was hard not to like someone like Yoongi. He has been liking him since they were kids but he never had the guts to confess to him. Jimin and Yoongi used to be friends at that time, very close friends but as high school came, the older became popular in school.

Jimin decided that it was much better to stay away from Yoongi because he was just a nobody for someone like him. And that's when he met Taehyung.


Jimin shrieked and threw the flyers all over the sidewalk. He saw his friend laughing beside him, "Ah! That was so priceless! I couldn't see your face but I know it was funny!"

"Tae! What the heck? Now the flyers are everywhere!"

Taehyung bent down to pick up the papers that was scattered on the floor, still laughing. "I don't care, it was worth it!" He handed back the papers to Jimin.

"So this is the shop you've been telling me." The brunette scanned the are. "It's pretty neat! And this outfit fits you per-fect-ly!" He pinched the mascot's cheeks.

"Stop it! It's already hard to breathe in here as it is." Jimin grumbled, swatting his friend's hands away from him.

"A'ight. So how's it going with Yoongi hyung? Are you still talking to him as Kumamon? Does he know you're Jimin already? Come on, give me the deats!" His friend squealed jumping up and down.

"He comes here often, buying from the shop or just talking to me. No, he doesn't have any idea that it's me but I'm moving on now."

Taehyung's smile faded into a frown, "What? What do you mean moving on?"

"Well, I realize, my feelings for him won't get me anywhere. He likes someone else and I should just be contended and happy for him. From now on, I'm gonna stop liking him and focus more on important stuffs." The older shrugged his shoulders, watching his friend freak out.

"WHAT?! You're just gonna throw away your feelings for him like that? I mean, at least tell him how you feel!"

"It's better to keep it hidden so I won't make it more awkward for the both of us as it is. Besides, talking to him as Kumamon is already an achievement! I couldn't ask for anything more." Jimin smiled inside his costume, he was genuinely happy for himself.


"Tae, liking him since we were kids had made me feel true happiness and I don't regret it but it's about time to let it go. We're not kids anymore and there are a lot of things I've been too blind to see." Jimin glanced at his friend. "There are just things that you don't get in life and Yoongi hyung and I will always be a dream that can't be put to reality."

Taehyung hugged his friend, a smile coming out of his face. "I'm so proud of you Chim, you've grown so well!" His friend laughed. "But seriously, do you have a note with your speech inside that outfit just to seem cool in front of me?"

"Shut up Tae," Jimin laughed along as well.

His brunette friend draped an arm over his shoulders, "It's been a long day and I'm sure you're tired. As your best friend and my first time coming here, you owe me a treat!"

"Yah! Shouldn't you be the one treating me?!"



SAVE ME AND I'M FINE REALLY SHOOKTH ME IN BTS' PERF IN MNET! Please send help, save me. Nope, just kidding, I'm fine. see what I did there? M'kay dude that's enuff, it ain't funny.

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