Caught fourteen*

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"I have a good feeling today I'll find out your name for sure!" Yoongi grinned, sitting down on the bench across from the shop Bearly Kumamon with it's mascot.

It has become his daily routine. Everyday at 5 o'clock after student council meetings and club activities, he drops by at the shop for a good ten minutes and guess what the mascot's name was. He would buy a juice box at a nearby convenience store and give it to the mascot knowing he'll fail again.

They would meet at the bench and sit as Yoongi would guess the mascot's name, even if it sounds extremely boring, the two of them enjoys both their companies even for a bit. He doesn't know why he likes the warm feeling of the mascot on his side, he likes to hear him giggle and laugh, the way it acts, he wants to witness it all. He was so desperate to know who the person inside the mascot was.

Yoongi has always shared his stories to the mascot and the latter would always attentively listen to his rants and stories. Talking to him would always make Yoongi's day complete. Now he just wants to do the opposite and make the mascot feel happy.

You could say that this deal he made up is an excuse to be with the mascot for at least ten minutes a day to hear him speak, laugh and move. But it was also an easy way to let him know what his name was or who he really was. It was killing two birds with one stone. He just wants to know who is the person behind the mascot.

"Okay hyung, give me your best guess!"

"Sanghee! San ok? Seung! Seungcheol! No? Sun hi! Sun jung! Suk!" Yoongi muttered with full confidence.

Jimin playfully shook his head, "Is that all your luck got?"

"Won shik! Woong! This is the last list of names! It's gotta be one of them!" Yoongi excitedly stated. "Yongsun! Yon! Youngmi! Yoongi! Do we have the same name?!"

The younger bursts into a fit of giggles, shaking his head. "No hyung, my name's not Yoongi."

"Aish! What the heck? How's that possible? I'm all out of names now!" The older slumped down on the bench melancholically. He was so sure he would find out that name today. "The internet is running out of names to give!"

"Just admit your defeat hyung!" Jimin teasingly stated but the latter shook his head.

"No! I will find out what your name is!" Yoongi grumbled and handed the juice box to Jimin. "I'll see you tomorrow Kumamon mascot!"

No, Yoongi wasn't gonna give up that easily.

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