Caught five

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"Y-yeah but I go to school far far from here." Jimin chuckled nervously.

"Huh, and you said the pronoun he... I didn't know you were into guys as well." Yoongi was surprised but nonetheless he laughed. "You never fail to surprise me, Kumamon."

"You can say that again, haha!" The younger awkwardly replied.

"Such a shame though, I would've hoped you have the same school as me so I get to see and talk to you everyday. You could be friends with m—"

"NO! Nope, bad idea!" Jimin waved his hands while shaking his head to inform him a big ol' no. "I-I would totally ruin your reputation... I don't want people to see you indifferently because of me."

"So you know me?"

Oh holy flipping scrap doodle!

"Y-Yeah! You're pretty f-famous in my school and many of my classmates talk about you. But it's my first time to ever actually see you and talk to you in person." He sighed thinking the alibi he just made up was solid enough to believe.

"Oh... Well, now we're friends!"

They were friends?! It was painful to be in the friend zone but that was the closest he could get and he's jumping up and down inside the mascot, mentally. He smiled slightly and nodded his head. As long as he is Kumamon, he has nothing to worry about. "Sure!"

"I'll let you in on a secret, from a friend to another. I never wanted to be popular in the first place and frankly, I don't care what people say. The person that only matters to me is J—"

Suddenly Yoongi's phone lit up with his ringtone. The older opened the message that just arrived and stood up from the bench, "My friends are looking for me. I better get going or I won't see the end of Jin hyung's rants. I'll end up dead tomorrow."

"Well, I'll see you next time frie– I mean, Yoongi." Jimin chuckled at his phrase, also standing up with him.

Yoongi smiled at him sweetly, "Thanks for listening to me today. I really appreciate it, even though your identity is still a stranger to me, you still listened to me."

"I'm always happy to help."

"I'll see you around Kumamon!" The pale boy waved happily and ran towards the shop, meeting with his friends. Jimin's not visible smile faded when he remembered his hopeless one-sided love for the boy. They're too stupid to realize how much of a blessing Min Yoongi is.


Jimin was walking on the hallway, making his way to the dance studio to practice. When he entered, he saw Yoongi and Hoseok talking happily inside. The two stopped and noticed the boy standing outside the room, "Oh hi Jiminie!"

"Hi sunbae... It looks like I came at the wrong time. I'll be back late—"

"Don't be silly! We were just talking! Come say hi to Yoongi hyung!" Hoseok pulled the younger towards the blue haired male.

"Hi Jimin," Yoongi flashed him a smile.

"Hi hyung," Jimin felt awkward. He knew that Yoongi liked Hoseok and he feels like he was getting in the way. He wants to give them both space.

"So is this Kumamon mascot really cute?" Hoseok asked with a wide grin on his face.

"Yeah, he's adorable! The way he talks and moves are just so irresistible." Yoongi chuckled. "Although I can't hear his voice that well because the mascot head is muffling his words, I still find it cute."

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