Caught twenty*

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"Y-Yoongi hyung! What're you doing here?" Jimin asked in shock, jolting slightly.

"What? I can't see my favorite person in the world?" He teasingly stated.

"No! I mean, I thought you were mad at me..."

"Aish, why are you so cute?" Yoongi grinned pinching the mascot's cheeks. He couldn't see the person inside but something in him shouts everything cute. "Do you really think I could resist the most adorable thing made on earth? No way!"

"Hyung I'm so sor—"

Yoongi wrapped his arms at the black mascot and buried his face on his inexistent neck. "Shh, let's stay like this for a while."

Jimin couldn't feel the warmth of his hug but his heart was palpitating so quickly. Min Yoongi was killing his heart.

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