Caught three

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"You what?!" Taehyjng shrieked. "Let me get this straight, you, Park Jimin, the most coward person that I know, spoke to the one and only Min Yoongi?" He looked at his friend with wide eyes, completely dumbfounded.

"Yes— I mean No! I mean— it's more complicated than it looks." Jimin said with confusion.

"How? When? Where? And where the hell was I when this miraculous event happened?! And what do you mean by complicated? Speak now! Why aren't you speaking?! SPEAK!"

"How can I talk when you keep throwing questions at me?" The shorter one rolled his eyes at his friend, "Yesterday I started my new job at a cafe around the neighborhood and my job was being the shop's mascot."

"Uh-huh, go on." Taehyung put on a very weird face like he was investigating someone who committed a serious crime.

"And then there was this hard wind that blew all the flyers I was holding."

"Mmm, go on." He nodded his head very slowly.

"I tried picking it up, really! But it was really difficult but then this very nice man helped me, and it was Yoongi!"

"Hmm, go ooon."

"Like, I know he's nice but yesterday, he was just extremely nice! And I talked to him for like a minute and we talked Tae! WE TALKED! It's like the best thing that ever happened to me, now I can finally die happy!"

"Go on,"

Jimin stared at his friend. "That's it, he just helped me."

"Okaaay, go on."

"Do you want me to whoop your ass to Europe?!"

"Go on—"

"I'm serious!"

"Fine fine! I'm sorry!" Taehyung scoffed and held his arms up high. "But holy shit, you just talked? I mean, did he even know you were behind the mascot?"

"NO! I mean, it's better this way. When I'm in front of him, I just seem to lose my words! But yesterday, I was able to talk to him! Isn't that great? It's like the mascot's giving me powers not to be awkward!" The shorter grinned and clapped his hands like a kid.

"Well, I suppose so. Considering you're mentally unstable around him, this is your best shot yet!"

"Thanks for making me feel so good about myself." Jimin sarcastically rolled his eyes but soon laughed at himself along with his friend.


"Have a great day!" Jimin waved to the customers leaving the shop.

It's been a week since their opening and when he first talked to Yoongi. Sadly, the boy never came back after that. Jimin would be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed and anticipating the boy to come back but nonetheless he accepted the job solely for him and his mother, not for seeing his crush.

It was the time for his break again. He slumped down on the bench across the shop that was near the fountain. He took off the head of the mascot, holding it with his arm and breathed the fresh air once again. "Ahh~ The fresh air feels so good! It's really hot in this thing."

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