Caught eighteen*

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"Tell me your name! Please! I'll do anything!"

"Oh now you're resorting to pleading? I thought you were smarter than this hyung," Jimin teasingly spoke with a small smirk on his lips that the latter failed to see.

"Please person behind the mascot! Just tell me your name already! I'm dying of curiosity here!" Yoongi pouted, poking the mascot's bulging red cheeks.

"You'll do anything?"

"Yes! Tell me what I have to do!"

Jimin thought for a moment thinking it would be a good idea to joke it out. "Will you stay away from me if I tell you?"

"What? Of course not!" Yoongi stared at him with a sad expression. "Do you really want me to stop and stay away from you that bad? Do I bother you so much?"

"NO NO! That's not what I—"

"I'm sorry I didn't realize I was already bothering you... If this is what you want, I'll stay away. It was nice knowing you Kumamon." Yoongi handed him the juice box with a small smile before getting up from his seat and leaving.

"Wait Yoongi hyung!" I love your small companies with me and I don't want you to stop! He wanted to say that but the older was already in a far range. Yoongi misunderstood it, he honestly wants to have him around.

Shit, he messed up so bad.

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