Caught thirty-one*

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"It's good to know you're not busy anymore hyung!" Jimin cheered sitting  beside Yoongi on the bench once again.

"Yep! I'm all on the clear!" The older nodded his head.

"Well other than pretending to be a mailman, paying people to deceive me and lying to me, what's your next ingenious plan?"

Yoongi looked at the mascot with a small pout. "You make me sound like I'm a criminal."

Jimin giggled that made Yoongi's heart almost melt into liquid.

"Since it's hard to guess what your name is, and forcing you to say it in some certain ways is a failure, I figured I'd do something better!"

"And what would that be?"

"I'll give you a riddle and you have to answer it, if you don't, you have to give me a clue about you!"

"What? No way!" Jimin declined almost immediately, it would be too risky to even say one clue.

"Would you rather Jin's suggestion of me stalking you? I mean, I've considered it, but I still respect your privacy."

Jimin stared at the older who seemed to be serious of what he's talking about. "T-The riddles will do."

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