Caught ninety (END)

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He reluctantly opens the door to the rooftop. Whoever was responsible for this was behind that door. When he peeks in, nobody was there but a single milk carton sitting on top of a chair, randomly placed on the middle of the room.

He steps forward and took the milk carton on his hand, noticing the pink note attached to it. He curiously reads it aloud.

"Among the days that feel the same

I feel happiest when I meet you

Among the different everyday lives


"You're the most special person to me, Park Jimin."

Jimin flinched in surprise and averted his gaze to the person who spoke behind him. He was even more surprised when he saw the Kumamon mascot standing in front of him.

"Wait... That voice,'

The person chuckled and took off the mascot head, revealing someone that Jimin least expected to see.

"Y-Yoongi...? Then that must mean--"

"Yeah, I finally know your name, Kumamon." Yoongi smiled widely and held the mascot head with his arm.

Jimin was taken aback and so shocked that he took a step backwards, wanting to run away and consult a doctor because his heart was beating too fast and too loud, he might actually die because of it. "B-b-b-but– I-I don't underta— h-how did y-you— I– m-mascot– uh—"

"I know you were behind the mascot Jimin," Yoongi chuckled at how cute the other looked while shocked.

"How?! Since when?!"

"That time when I was sick... I went to visit the shop anyway even if Jin told me to."

As Yoongi was explaining, Jimin's eyes bulged out in realization. The milk sitting on the bench, it was him who gave it! He saw him after all!

"You took off your mascot that day. It was unintentional, but you don't know how stupid and relieved it made me feel. Of course it was you, I was so oblivious."

"B-but Hoseok sunbae—"

"We planned that so you would come and confess to me that you are the Kumamon mascot." Yoongi went closer to Jimin, step by step. "I was the one who made those notes so you would come here, so I could confess to you."

Jimin was still trembling so hard, he couldn't move on from the outbreak. "W-wait so you mean... Y-You know about the– w-when I told you I liked—"

Yoongi nodded his head slowly, "Yeah, I know about that."

Jimin couldn't move from where he was standing, he was bolted to the ground. He wished there was a big black hole on the field so he would jumped into it and never return. He was so embarrassed! "I-I—"

"Jimin, I have to tell you something." Yoongi dropped the mascot head to the grass and cupped Jimin's face with his mitten-like hands. "Remember that day when me and my friends came to the store and I told you how much I liked someone?"

The latter nodded his head, "Y-you were talking about Hoseok sunbae... right?"

"No," The older shook his head. "I was talking about you. You don't know how long I've been liking you Jimin, years and years. I just didn't know how to tell it to you but I badly wanted to. I never liked Hoseok like that, we're just friends and I don't know why you can't see how obvious I am. You're sweet, kind, smart and cute, you're so perfect."

Jimin's eyes went wide, "But why me? Why do you like me? I'm just a nobody compared to others."

"I don't care about them Jimin, I like you and only you. You always avoid me in school, you're so humble about yourself and well, I can't help myself from falling deeper for you. I know you started to avoid me when you thought I like Hoseok," Yoongi chuckled. "But you were so oblivious to see that I only like you Jimin."

The words that came out from Yoongi's mouth made Jimin smile, a smile that Yoongi was so addicted to. "I know I never said this directly to you before but... I like you too hyung. I was so scared of telling you because you're so perfect, everybody loves you! And who would want somebody like me?"

"Don't say that Jimin..."

"We used to be friends back in grade school, I've liked you since then. You're such a cool hyung, talented, nice and genius. It was no question why you got so popular in high school that quick. I thought it was best that you shouldn't hang out with a loser like me." Jimin quietly muttered before looking down.

"I've always been trying to reach out to you, but when I do, you'd be pacing off or running away from me. I figured because you hated me for leaving you behind."

Jimin shook his head rapidly, "No hyung! I can never hate you!"

Yoongi smiled and tiptoed to place a kiss on Jimin's forehead. "We've been liking each other for a long time without both us knowing. If I knew sooner, I would've confessed long ago!"

"Me too," The younger giggled a bit.

"Well I guess we should thank this Kumamon mascot for bringing us together."

"I suppose it can wait." Jimin smiled, bringing his face closer to the older. Yoongi smirked noticed his action, "Maybe you're right."

Their heads continued to grow closer to each other, their lips almost touching when they heard a bunch of cheers from behind them. They separated almost immediately away from each other and saw the culprits who ruined their moment.

"Jimin! I'm so glad you're finally with Yoongi hyung now!" Taehyung shouted, fake crying like an idiot. Jimin glared at his friend. "I knew you were a part of this!"

"Well of course I am! I'm your bestfriend! I remember you would always fan girl about Yoo—"

"Okay, time to shut up!" Jimin chuckled nervously, covering his friend's mouth.

"I'm so proud of you Yoongi! You finally got out of your one-sided love for Jimin— although technically, it wasn't one-sided because he likes you too but you just didn't know because both of you are coward idiots!" Jin hugged Yoongi tightly with the mascot getting in the way.

While Namjoon was laughing at his friend, "You look ridiculous man! I better take a once-in-lifetime picture of this!"

"I will kill you Namjoon." Yoongi threatened, lifting his fist but the latter ignored him and continued taking pictures.

Jimin saw Hoseok laughing along with Namjoon so he decided to go talk to him, "Uhm sunbae... I'm sorry if I ever made you feel bad."

"Aw~ Don't worry Jiminie! It's fine! And I swear, me and Yoongi are really friends." Hoseok chuckled while patting the latter's head softly making Jimin smile. "I should be the one apologizing for fooling you with the stunt we pulled before,"

"No hyung it's alright!" Jimin shook his head.

"This is so thrilling!" A familiar voice shouted. Jimin saw his fellow club mate in dance class, Jungkook was also with them and popped out from Hoseok's side.

"It's Jungkook, what are you doing here?"

"Yeah, apparently this is the only line I get from this book!"

"Don't break the wall idiot!" Taehyung shouted.

Soon, he felt a tap on his shoulder so he turned around. He saw Yoongi smiling at him, "Jimin, thank you for making me happy today."

"No, you made me happy hyung." Jimin muttered. "From now on, there will be no mascot between us."

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igotyesSwaeg /
iGYSmetahuman 2021

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