Caught seventy-five*

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"H-H-Hoseok hyung?!"

Imagine Jimin's surprise when his dance mentor was standing inside the shop he was working at, standing beside his manager when he entered for his shift. What the heck?!

"Hi Jiminie!" Hoseok greeted with a wave.

"I see you two know each other. Hoseok here is my son," Mr. Jung patted the guy's shoulder.


"I'm pretty busy with dance classes outside of school so I never really got to drop by here." Hoseok explained.

Jimin was still shocked. Hoseok now knows that he works there as a mascot. What if he tells the others? Or worse... Yoongi! No, this can't be happening!

"Anyway, we've dicussed that you'll be having a one week off starting today! We've seen you work hard lately and decided to give you a short break for compensation." His manager spoke delightedly. "My son will be taking your shift until then."

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of the mascot for you!"

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