Caught ten*

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"Gi, Goo, Gook!"

Jimin laughed, "No!"


"Try again~"

"Hak Kun?"


"Heeyoung? Hei ryung? Hei ran!"

"Hyung, those are girl names! No!" Jimin shakes his head rapidly. Although admittedly, his name was used mostly for girls as well.

"How should I know! I only searched this on naver!" Yoongi defensively answered. "And who knows? Maybe your parents gave you girl names!"

"You're searching on Naver? That's not fair! So that's why you were saying it alphabetically." The younger pouted, luckily the latter can't see it through his mascot.

"Well, it's not everyday that you get to guess a person in a Kumamon mascot's name so I did a little research." The blue haired grinned, handing the banana milk to Jimin.

"My break time's not done yet though,"

"I forgot the rest of the names I searched, gotta go memorized! See you Kumamon!"

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