Caught eighty-two

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"This place is great right Jimin?" Taehyung inhaled the sweet scent of flowers as they walked pass the school garden.

"Yeah, I guess. But I'm not really fond of flowers remember?" Jimin chuckled, looking at his friend who seemed to be enjoying the view.

"I do, I remember. But look at these beauty! It's a paradise, you can't close your eyes! It's wonderful!" Taehyung danced around the field.

The two stopped when they heard footsteps near them. They looked at each other nervously and hid in the nearest bush thinking it was a teacher. They know they weren't allowed to be in the school garden. But when they peeked out to see who it was, Jimin was surprised to see Yoongi and Hoseok together.

"Hyung... we're not supposed to be here. We're not allowed!" Hoseok whispered, looking around warily.

"I-I need to ask you something, Hoseok."

"What is it?" The younger boy quietly asked.

"A-are you... Are you– the Kumamon mascot?" Yoongi only stared at the other as he looked down.

Jimin's eyes went wide, 'He thinks... Hoseok is the Kumamon mascot?!'

"No! It's not me, I swear! I'm not the mascot that you always visit at my break— I mean, the person you give juice boxes to—" Hoseok anxiously stuttered.

Yoongi grabbed both of his hands, "I know you are him Hoseok, you don't have to deny anymore. I realized as soon as the first time we talked to each other. The person I've liked for years and the Kumamon mascot that makes my day complete, is one."

"Y-You like me?"

Yoongi didn't reply and just nodded his head with a smile on his face.

Hoseok also returned the smile, "If I told you I was Kumamon, would you like me still?"

"I've always liked you. Everyday you make me happy, just by being with you completes me. Knowing that you were the Kumamon mascot made me even happier, I've always wanted to tell you how much I like you." Yoongi uttered. "I like you, my Kumamon."

"I like you too Yoongi hyung!"

Jimin couldn't believe what he was seeing more hearing, it was like a horrible day dream! He doesn't know if he should go tell Yoongi that he was the real Kumamon mascot or just let Yoongi be because he liked Hoseok anyway. Why would Hoseok lie like that? He isn't the Kumamon mascot, Jimin is! But how did he know about the juice boxes or his 10-minute breaks? Maybe some wild guess or something.

"Jimin!" Taehyung shouted that woke Jimin from his trance. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know..."

"Are you just gonna let that slip away? You're not telling Yoongi the truth? That you are the real Kumamon?" His friend ask beside him.

"Should I? I don't know, I think Yoongi is already happy with Hoseok, I don't want to ruin it for him." Jimin bitterly chuckled, plucking a flower from the bushy

"Didn't you hear what he said? You were the person making his day complete, You were the person that makes him happy and You are the real Kumamon!" Taehyung said.


"He likes you– the real Kumamon mascot!"

"Yoongi likes me...?"

"Yes for pete's sake! And I don't know about you but Hoseok needs to stop his acting. Yoongi needs to know the truth that you are Kumamon."

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