Caught seventy-three*

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"Since... preschool?"

"I can't believe that you still have no idea about it up 'til now! He's practically obvious the way he stutters and blush around you!" Taehyung wanted to pull all of his hair out at this point.

"How should I know when he always run away from me whenever I start a conversation! And I thought he always stutters and blush around other people!"

"Oh my-- you really are stupid. He runs away from you because he's worried that he'll make a fool out of himself when he's with you!"

"Why would he think that?"

"Because ever since you became popular at high school, he thought it'd be best if you wouldn't know about his feelings. Afterall, he's just a nobody and according to him, it'll ruin your 'reputation' if you dated him." Taehyung rolled his eyes.

Yoongi slapped a palm to his forehead. "Why would he want to suffer like that? If he liked me for so long, then why didn't he just confessed sooner?"

"Because he thought you liked Hoseok when you told the mascot!" Taehyung quickly shut himself up upon realizing another slip of the tongue. "I m-mean..."

"I know about the Kumamon mascot."

"Ah good. What?!"

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