Caught twenty-two*

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"Hi! I have a package for you, please sign here to claim it." The suspicious guy in a delivery man uniform said behind a face mask, handing a clipboard to Jimin in the middle of his work.

"But I didn't order anythi—"

"Please sign here, full name, nice and clear, all capital letters, thank you!" The man said pushing the board to his face.

Jimin furrowed his eye brows thinking who would send him a package and right when he's working too. Without much thinking, he sloppily grabbed the pen and the clipboard to sign his name. That is until he caught a glimpse of the man's fake blonde hair and he paused in realization, "Wait, Yoongi hyung is that you?"

The person groaned and took off his hat and face mask. "Geez! What gave it away?"

"I don't know, the fact that you're so suspiciously delivering a package I didn't order in the middle of my shift?"

"But I was so close to getting your name!" Yoongi whined, huffing like a little kid before stomping away.

"Better luck next time!"

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