Caught fifty-eight*

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Written by: LinAinFloralHyoung

"I'm here, Mr. Kumamon." Yoongi coughed.

"Are you alright? You're looking kinda pale." Jimin worriedly muttered.

"I'm fine, just a fever."

"Just a fever? You should rest... I don't want you to be sick and miss your studies, especially music."

"Yeah, sure. Bye Kumamon," Yoongi then ambled off. He pulled out his keys out from his pockets and opened the door.

"Yoongi hyung? You're here early than usual."

"Mr. Kumamon sent me home so I can rest. He sounded worried..."

"So is there something that you realize? Any feeling?" Namjoon asked putting down his purple cup.

"How does he know I don't like to miss Music and how does he know that I do take Music?" Yoongi asked but then gasped.

"it all made sense now!"

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