Caught thirteen*

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"Kwang! Kwangsun! Kyong, Kyu, Kyubok!"

"Not close!" Jimin giddily replied. He's been craving for the banana milk all day and he's excited that he'll be drinking one today. He's sure Yoongi wouldn't figure out his name today, not anytime soon.

"Kyungsoon! Mi Kyung! Mi cha! Mi ok?"


"Min– Jee! Min Jee!"

Jimin's breath hitched when it was so similar to his name. He paused for a bit the replied a soft, "No,"

"Oh okay. Minhee? Min jung? Mishil? Myunghi? Myungsoo?"

"Your luck's not today hyung!"

"Aish, alright. See you tomorrow then," He gave him the juice box with a smile on his face.

Jimin watched Yoongi leave and chuckled. This was certainly entertaining for his ten-minute break time everyday rather than sitting down and staring into space. He was starting to enjoy it and the juice box that Yoongi was giving was unbelievable good! Maybe this idea wasn't so bad after all... Besides, there's only 1% chance that Yoongi will find out his name in a matter of time.

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