Caught sixty-nine*

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Made by: LinAinFloralHyoung

It was lunch hour when Yoongi noticed a small notebook lying on the hallway. He recognized it was Jimin's so he took it and decided to return it. On the way to his classroom, he bumped into Jimin who was frantically running around.

"I'm so sorry!" The boy muttered not realizing it was Yoongi he bumped into.

"Wait Jimin!" Yoongi caughy his wrist.

Jimin froze at hearing the person's voice. He knew very well who it was. It has been over three months since he and Yoongi spoke in school. It felt really awkward without his mascot on.

"Are you searching for this?"

He turned his head slowly and saw the older holding his diary. His eyes grew wide and wanted to faint. He didn't read it right?!

"Y-Yeah." Jimin stuttered and quickly snatched the notebook when he handed it.

"I saw it on the floor. I was about to return it." Yoongi loosened his grip on his hand.

"O-Oh, thank you." Jimin quietly repljed in embarrassment and bowed. "Sorry for bumping into you!"

"It's fine." Yoongi smiled. "Hey, uhm, about last time..."

"Ah Taehyung's looking for me! I-I should go bye!" Jimin tugs his arm back before sprinting away.

Yoongi sighed in defeat once again.

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