Caught forty*

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Jimin yawns as he wait for the older to arrive at their shop. He was up all night studying for his test that he couldn't even focus on doing his job right. His eyes were barely open.

"Hey, you're a bit droopy today." Yoongi muttered, suddenly popping out of nowhere.

"Oh hi hyung," Jimin greeted before yawning once again. "What's the riddle for today?"

"You seem tired,"

"Yeah, I was studying all night." The mascot silently replied.

"Alright, I'll just make it quick then. Which is correct, 'The yolk of the egg is white' or 'The egg yolk is white'?"

Jimin blinks slowly trying to stay conscious as possible. "The egg yolk is white."

"HOLY SHIT!" Yoongi suddenly cursed out of instinct that woke the shit out of the mascot.

"W-What? What's wrong?"

"The answer is neither because an egg yolk is yellow!" The older cheers unbelievably loud and so indubitably happy.

Oh shit, that's right!

Jimin wanted to face palm so hard. The answer was so obvious and yet he got it wrong! He watch as the older continuously dance weirdly in the middle of the sidewalk that gained a lot of attention. "Alright, you got me."

"I'm so fucking happy! Now, tell me one clue about you!" Yoongi giddily said while clapping his hands in anticipation.

"Well... I—" Jimin paused and thought carefully about the clue he'll tell the older. It should be a fact but shouldn't be that much obvious. "I'm the person who you least expect to be."

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