Caught forty-seven*

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Written by: LinAinFloralHyoung (thank her not me guys)

"I came back and have made my own riddle!" Yoongi said holding his paper with a wide proud grin.

"Wow you actually made one." Jimin mumbled in amusement. "Go ahead and tell me your riddle"

"You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I'm quick when I'm thin and slow when I'm fat. The wind is my enemy."

"It's tricky but I think I've got it. Is it a Flame?"

"Wrong, it's a candle!" Yoongi happily yelled and danced around earning weird stares from the customers.

"....Why?" Jimin sighed in disbelief.

"And for the second time, I have defeated the riddle master!" Yoongi smiled making Jimin's heart skip a beat.

"Tell me!"

"Wears earrings." Jimin simply said. Not sure if Yoongi could find out his identity.

"Thanks for the clue! See you tomorrow!" Yoongi said leaving the cafe. Jimin stared at his beautiful face leaving before going to the staff room to get out of the mascot.

How could not anyone tell me that the chapter title was not right? People I know I'm awesome but please, tell me 😂

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