Caught two

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"Okay dude, you've gotta stop doing that." Taehyung groaned realizing his friend wasn't listening to him again.

"Huh? What?"

"Jimin! Just talk to him already!"

The blonde gasped taking his comment offensively. "But I do talk to him!"


"Look Tae, I appreciate your– concern but I've got this in the bag! If it would make you happy, the next time I see Yoongi, I will go and talk to him right awa—" He froze.

"Hi Jimin!"

Taehyung smirked when he saw a certain male already a feet away. "Looks like that time, is now."

"Uh, hello?" Yoongi looked at Jimin weirdly, waving his hands in front of his face. The said male was frozen on his spot. Yep, typical Jimin.

"Is he okay?" The older asked Taehyung who was busy facepalming his best friend internally.

"Huh? Oh yes, he's fine! It's just– he's got this mental illness thingy that his head goes blank when he's uh, got a test he's not prepared for, yeah."

"Really? Wow, he has a really weird sickness."

"Yeah, it's called 'Gruesome bolzimin', it's a foreign term. Doctor said his condition is about to get worse. He's on stage three at the moment."

"Well I hope you survive that Gru–whatnots of yours and pass the test Jiminie! If you need help with your studies, I'm always happy to help you!" Yoongi smiled and ruffled the younger's hair. "See you both around!"

"Bye Yoongi hyung! We'll surely give you a call!" Taehyung waved goodbye and watched the older leave. His face turned into a frown and stared at his friend who was still dazed.

"—aaaay, Oh hey Yoongi! Ha, Nailed it!" The brunette jolted up when Jimin suddenly spoke out of no where. His face was in a love-struck trance.

"News flash, he's gone. You looked like a complete idiot earlier. You just made a fool out of yourself in front of him! And to make things worse, I had to back you up again!" Taehyung held the bridge of his nose. "I don't know what's more stupid, the fact that I made the worst alibi or that Yoongi actually believed it."

"I think it's more stupid that you had to point it out."

"Fair enough. But seriously Jimin, you have to talk to him."

"I'm working on it! It's just whenever I see or talk to him, my body freezes and I don't know what to say!"

Taehyung shook his head. "Grow some balls Jimin."


"Day one,"

Jimin smiled to himself, feeling all the optimism gathering inside him. The mascot was a bear, originated from Japan named Kumamon. The owner started his first business in Korea and thought it would be good to build Kumamon as the main theme of the shop.

Mr. Jung, the appointed manager has told this story to Jimin and that made him inspired. He took a one last glance at his reflection on the mirror before wearing the big ass mascot head and exited the room. He snatched the flyers lying on the counter and was greeted by one of his co-workers.

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