Chapter 5: Surprise visit

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The next day, Jungkook woke up extra early to get ready for the day, he took a bath and brushed his teeth, combed his hair and wore a cologne. Not too strong and not too sickening.

Jungkook was wearing a black pants, black leather jacket, grey sleeved shirt and timberlands. Jungkook smiled at the mirror before walking out of the room to run into his mother wearing a light green sweater, brown loose pants and indoor white shoes. "Jungkook, you're in a hurry."

"Goodmorning, Mother. Father is taking me out to the Mental Asylum today."

"Again? My son, you seem very happy to go.. What's the real reason?" the mother smiled placing her hand on her hips. Mrs. Jeon was very interested in Jungkook's life. She was just like her mother, very curious on what type of person Jungkook would fall in love with. At this age, what was expected from Jungkook at this age was success and a lover. So far, he had nothing and it didn't bother him... But that's what made his family worry, will he end up with someone at the end? That was the only question floating in their minds.

"I think I made a friend... He's very unique and different from the others.. More stable.." Jungkook explained as the mother nodded making a smile.

When Jungkook ran off, his mother let out a chuckle. "If he brings in a crazy girl from there, I'm going to kill him." The mother joked as she walked down the halls.

Jungkook grabbed a can of peach juice from the deluxe fridge in his kitchen. The counters and kitchen appliances were dark grey and black with white walls and white tiled floors. His mother worked as a doctor for plastic surgery as his father was a therapist. They were very successful and wanted their son to be the best too... But Jungkook was just never interested in anything.

When his father arrived home for his shift at the Asylum, he made sure he took Jungkook and was actually looking forward for his son to help out with the patients. This even made Mr. Jeon feel like he can finally bond with his son and slowly influence him to start achieving greater things.

At the Asylum, Jungkook walked in wearing an Identification badge with an embarrassing picture on it too. Jungkook walked to the center of the Asylum to see Jimin wasn't there... Jimin wasn't in the group of patients and this made Jungkook worry. He looked around until his father tapped his shoulder. "Jungkook... Are you okay? You look worried."

"O-oh no I'm not I'm just looking around..." Jungkook replied and smiled to make his father believe him. Actually, Jungkook really wasn't happy... He was worried. He dressed up and made himself look great only to find out, Jimin wasn't even here. Alot of things came across his mind.. "What if they took him away to an adult asylum? What if they set him free because of how stable he was?" Jungkook thought as his father patted Jungkook's back.

"I'll give you the list of people to-"

"Father... I think I want to just walk around today and talk to them as a visitor." Jungkook claimed as his father blinked.

"Of course, Jungkook... I'm just happy you are finally out of the house." Mr. Jeon claimed as he patted Jungkook's back and walked to his office.

"F-father... Is it okay if I take Sun with me? To walk around?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh.. Of course." The father claimed as Jungkook smiled and followed his father. Jungkook thought of finding Jimin today and maybe bring the cat to him and hang out.

When Jungkook carried Sun in his hands as he walked up to the staff of the Mental Asylum wanting to ask for Jimin. "Hello, Do you know where Park Jimin is?"

"Oh, he decided to stay in his room for today..." The woman wearing all white nurse clothes claimed as she looked at the cute and small cat.

"I understand... May I see him? I am the son of the therapist and I need to see him."

"Did he ask for a session?" The woman asked.

"Y-yes... So I am here with Sun to talk to him. It's time for his therapy." Jungkook lied as the woman nodded and smiled.

"His room number is 4-A, When you walk down the hall, please be very quiet. Some patients are very cranky and would hate to hear one small little noise. It gets them very angry." The woman advised as Jungkook nodded.

Jungkook walked down the halls of many rooms for the patients and climbed the stairs to the next floor to find Jimin's room down the hall. Jungkook was very silent to approach the older boy's room and once he placed his hand on the knob, he began to feel nervous... Maybe he shouldn't have lied, what if Jimin is sleeping? What if he's very angry?

Jungkook shrugged and knocked on the door before stepping in to see Jimin was sitting on a hospital bed in an all white room with a window and window seat. Jungkook gave Jimin a smiled as he walked in with the kitty in his arms. What he expected was to sew Jimin scared and upset but Jimin looked very happy to see him.

"Hi Jimin.." Jungkook closed the door behind him as Jimin got up from bed and looked at the beautiful cat in Jungkook's arms.

"Hi, Jungkook... What brings you here?" Jimin asked focusing on the younger boy now.

"I came to see you..." Jungkook claimed as Jimin held his hands out to carry Sun in his arms.

"I waited for you yesterday.... I told you I would be back but you didn't wait for me.." Jimin claimed as he held up the cat and looked at Sun happily. Jimin then brought his attention to the younger and looked a bit more let down. "Why did you leave me?"

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