Chapter 28: The idea

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              Jungkook eventually fell asleep with Jimin, he held Jimin close while the patient slept in his arms... While he still kept the thought of finding a way to escape this place with Jimin.

          As the two were asleep, a nurse walked in to give Jimin his breakfast.... But what she saw was Jungkook sleeping with Jimin. The burse tilted her head and walked up to the two, surprised that Jimin would allow the son of the therapist to hug him close like this!

            Jungkook was different from others. To Jimin, Jungkook respected him and treated him well... Better than any other person here.

             The nurse set the tray down and tapped Jungkook's shoulder waking him up. "Mr. Jeon Jungkook.... It's time for Jimin's breakfast and medications." The nurse claimed as Jungkook nodded.

             "I'll make sure he takes it.." Jungkook whispered as the Nurse nodded looking back at the two as she left. Jungkook smirked and looked down at Jimin. He didn't want to wake the boy up but he had to.

            "Jimin?" Jungkook asked as Jimin was still sleeping. Jungkook smiled and kissed Jimin softly as Jimin let out a giggle and opened his eyes.

            "I really like sleeping, Jungkook..." Jimin whispered as Jungkook caressed Jimin's hair "Give me a good reason why you had to wake me..."

               "You have to take your medications and eat." Jungkook claimed as Jimin looked at the tray. It was the usual fruit cup, plum tea, rice seaweed wraps with crab meat, and noodles.

             Jimin sighed looking at the same food and medications. "I never needed so much medications in my whole entire life... I just don't know what it's for. But, I'll have to take it before they force it down my throat." Jimin claimed as Jungkook smiled handing the tray over to Jimin.

            "Jimin... I know you don't like this at all but, maybe I can get you out of here.." Jungkook whispered to Jimin as the older boy locked eyes with Jungkook.

             "Y-you will?" Jimin whispered as Jungkook slightly nodded.

            "I want to get you out of here, Jimin... I want to take you far from this place so you wouldn't get hurt! I want to run away with you.... Today if I have to, Park Jimin." Jungkook promised as Jimin teared up silently. "I'll get you out of here.. only if you promise me we'll be together.."

              "You would do that... For me?" Jimin asked in tears as Jungkook laughed and nodded.

          "Of course Jimin!"

           "H-how do you plan on doing that" Jimin questioned the younger as he took the pills and drinked water from a paper cup.

            "Easy... I have volunteering services in the afternoon... Hopefully, I can stay here long enough to have them let me lock up.. Or maybe I can sneak you out by night time when it's all dark and when everyone isn't looking! My parents aren't going to be home for a while now.. After my Grandmother passed away, they've been looking over her house and won't come back for a while.. So I'm all alone at home." Jungkook stated as he gazed at the younger take his medications and began to eat.

           Jimin nodded to everything Jungkook said and listened to his idea while he began to eat some noodles with the wooden chopsticks. "Tonight?"

               "Yes... I can't have you stay here.. What if they end up raping you?! I won't stand by and let it happen to you, Jimin... I love you so much and I don't want to see you hurt like this! This is enough and I can't stand it... You deserve better and I will give it to you.." Jungkook said confidently as Jimin only giggled and began to feed Jungkook noodles.

           "I'm all in.. But Jungkook, what you are doing is breaking soo many rules... Are you sure you are willing to run far with me?" Jimin asked holding up the ramen noodles with his wooden chopsticks up to Jungkook's mouth. "I want you to be sure... After today, we'll never come back here... You'll never see home again. Are you okay with that?"

           Jungkook smiled and opened his mouth as Jimin fed him the noodles. "You're the one I want to be with, Park Jimin... The one I truely love. I won't let anyone tell me I can't run away with you because I care about you and only you now... My Jimin.. Let's go far.. Far from this place.." Jungkook said as Jimin smiled.

             "I will go anywhere with you Jungkook... I promise we'll be together... Please get me out of this hell... I-I want to run away from here... Go far.. Live far! I want to be with you!" Jimin continued as he placed the bowl of noodles down to hold Jungkook's hand. "I don't want to sound like I'm rushing you, Jungkook.."

               "No it's fine Jimin, tonight we reach my parents house and we stay there.. By morning, we travel. My family is very wealthy and I can take out all of my savings from allowances in my bank so we can travel... Now... Tell me, where do you want to go?" Jungkook asked the older boy making him think on where should he travel.

             "C-can I think about it? There's many places I want to go... I just wouldn't know where."

              Jungkook gave Jimin a kiss on the lips and smiled, rolling Jimin's hair back. "Take your time, Jimin... We got until tonight. That's when we escape this place and never come back..."

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