Chapter 53: Evidence

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             After the trial, Mr. Won was doing, he came through those doors successfully winning the case for the woman! He was a smart man that took time to find his evidence and locate the real point from where it started! Dwo Rin was a man that enjoyed a challenge and a good debate to argue over who's right and get payed for it.

              The Lawyer remembered Jungkook, the young man who came to talk to him about giving Jimin's second trial a shot. It was the only trial he lost and he couldn't have that! Mr. Won checked the time on his watch and decided it was time to pay an old friend a visit.

              The wise man showed up to the Mental Asylum Jimin was currently in. He wanted to talk to Jimin about the second trial and hoped to get his full attention on this now. The man signed in as a visitor as he was directed to Jimin's room.

             As the Lawyer opened the door, Jimin was laying in bed all day... He was very depressed and the cat can only do so much for him. However, it wasn't enough to glue his broken heart back into one whole.

               "Hi Jimin!" The Lawyer met Jimin as the patient slowly opened his eyes to see his Lawyer was standing there by the door! Jimin quickly sat up in shock.

               "Mr. Won?! What are you doing here?" Jimin asked as the man smiled.

                "I come with great news, Park Jimin... A little someone just told me today about helping you in the second trial of your case! Before I didn't want to continue with something I had no evidence to carry out... But now, I do! Not much but this is where we will start off."

              Jimin began to think as he finally looked at the lawyer. "Jungkook... Did this?" Jimin whispered almost breaking into a smile. He would cry in tears of joy but he couldn't since his eyes hurted each time he was close to crying.

             "I came to tell you about this.. I have yet to get it requested but I'll be coming here often to discuss with you all you need."

              "Thankyou for doing this, Mr. Won... I think I know something of Yurin I found out after the trial.. Maybe this can help." Jimin pointed out. "Those two... That lawyer and Yurin. I think they are related. Yun sik must be his father." Jimin stated catching the lawyers attention.

              "What do you mean?"

              "I remember.. Last time when I went online, I searched his name and it showed articles about Yun Sik... Turns out he's not that innocent. He set his first child up for adoption and began to work at adoption centers... Time to time." Jimin sighed. "Please look into that.."

                 "Jungkook also gave me evidence saying that when Yurin's name was searched up, there will be trials he attended where he was the one accused.. But then those files were gone! Wiped off completely!" Mr. Won then looked at the patient and sat down on a close chair. "But, No worries.. I will find a way to it and get those files!" Dwo Rin promised. Jimin smiled looking at the ground as it began to fade into worry.

            "I haven't seen Jungook for a long time. I just can't help but to wonder... H-how's Jungkook doing?" Jimin asked as the man told Jimin Jungkook was alright. This was all good news to Park Jimin! He felt happier that day to know that Jungkook was doing well now and if Jungkook and Mr. Won play their cards right, the Lawyer will be able to present these things and catch the opposing side in their lie.

            Next week, the lawyer contacted Jungkook saying he finally found something that he has been working hard to scoop up for Jimin's trial. Throughout these days, the two met up ans discussed about the evidence. Soon Mr. Won will visit Jimin again just so when the trial comes around, they will win this.

               Mr. Won contacted Jungkook to meet up and discuss the new evidence so the lawyer gathered. Dwo Rin already requested the trial and managed to get the opposing side to agree... It wasn't such an easy task since Jimin's parents were still sensitive on that subject. But after a few talks, they said yes just so the Lawyer would stop bothering! This only left the Park family to call in their old lawyer from last time, Kim Yun Sik.

             Kim Yun Sik has always been Yurin's lawyer... He would always win because of how he was able to manipulate everyone's mind with just one lie. When Dwo Rin arrived to Jungkook's house, he knocked on the door as Jungkook went to answer it.

             "Hello, Mr. Won." Jungkook bowed allowing the Lawyer into his home. "I'm feeling more confident about Jimin's trial now!"

               Dwo Rin laughed walking in. "Yes, I felt pity towards him and understood his story..  I knew Jimin and he would cry saying he wanted to be proven not guilty... This is the only trial I have failed... All because of that man. Yun sik." Mr. Won then walked in and sat down staring back at Jungkook. "I have the best evidence on Yurin so far! I think this will make us win instantly!"

                 Just hearing those words made Jungkook smile. He nodded quickly, ready to listen to the evidence. Dwo Rin pulled out a few files from his big coat and handed it to Jungkook. "I-is this it?"

            "Open them and hear me out..." Dwo Rin instructed as he paced around in the room while flower was sitting on the couch watching the two.

            "Okay..." Jungkook answered opening the files as he took a look at them silently.

             "You don't have to read them.. Let me summarize it." Mr. Won claimed as he walked up to a mirror to glance at his reflection. "Kim Yun Sik has been following Kim Yurin for all these years, he has been a very tough lawyer..  He has done all of these things for what reason? Not loyalty.... Because I did a little research after Jimin made a little claim."

               "Jimin? W-what did he say?" Jungkook asked worryingly.

                 "Kim Yun Sik is Kim Yurin's real father and the evidence is all in there.. Each and every question you might think of is written and answered all in there." Mr. Won made a smile knowing he finally got to the bottom of this case. "Now we'll win this for sure."

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