Chapter 62: Curious

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              The couple arrived to Jungkook's house as the parents were waiting in the car so they can all head out to eat.

               Jimin set his things down in an extra room the Jeons had and placed sun down so she can wander around too. Jimin sat down in the empty room that had a white extra bed and nothing else.. Just windows. "Hmm... I like it!" Jimin said as Jungkook laughed.

             "I should really buy you things for this room, this room is even more worst than the asylum room." Jungkook added as he went to sit along with Jimin. "You'll get lonely in here.."

              "Maybe I can sneak into your room and feel safe there~" Jimin replied and stole a kiss on Jungkook's lips. "This is going to be my life now... Something great and I can finally spend all my time with someone I love." Jimin stated as Jungkook kissed Jimin back before standing up.

             "We don't want to keep my parents waiting.. They must be really hungry so we should get to the car now." Jungkook claimed as Jimin smiled and nodded as he stood up. As soon as Jimin stood up, he gazed at the white cat that was sitting by the doorway watching.

               "Is that Flower?" Jimin asked as Jungkook nodded.

                "Yes, she's beautiful isn't she?" Jungkook asked as he picked up the small kitten. "I hope you and Sun gets along perfectly, no fighting while we are gone!" Jungkook claimed while Jimin giggled as he walked out the room door.

            "Hurry up, Jungkook!" Jimin claimed as Jungkook placed the cat down and caressed it's white fur.

             Jungkook walked back up to Jimin and held his hand hearing Flower meow, catching their attention. "She's very adorable!" Jimin added as Jungkook nodded.

              "Somehow, she reminds me of Grandmother. They both love tea and being around for conversations." Jungkook then held Jimin's hand up. "Well, I don't want to make this seem sad. I know my grandmother is somewhere smiling again.. So, I'll just leave it at that." Jungkook used his free hand to caress Jimin's hair back and smile. "Let's hurry before my parents start getting angry." Jungkook insisted as Jimin walked along with Jungkook, down the steps and out the door.

              While the couple was heading to the car, Jungkook suddenly had an idea... Something he was planning to do for the longest. Jungkook released his hand from Jimin's as Jimin looked back to see Jungkook already running to the front door.

            "Where are you going?" Jimin shouted in confusion as Jungkook held up his hand to make Jimin wait.

            "B-be right there! Wait for me in the car, I need to get something really quick!" Jungkook advised Jimin as the older boy shrugged and started making his way to the car where Jungkook's parents were waiting.

             Jungkook got into the house hurrying up to his room to see Flower was sitting on his bed. "Ah, Flower please don't ruin the bed." Jungkook joked as he walked up to the shelf that held up the wooden box along with the letter. "I'm thinking of doing it, Flower... I want to ask him today or else I'll never do it." Jungkook said as the cat Meowed like she was responding and understood what he said.

           Meow.. The kitty meowed as Jungkook picked up the wooden box with the rings inside. Jungkook opened it and smiled at the golden engagement rings sitting together close.

             "Thank you, Grandmother. You've always kept your promises for me and I'm going to keep mines for you.. I will propose to Jimin tonight, I know he will say yes so I am feeling extra confident." Jungkook laughed and looked at the kitty. "I will marry, Park Jimin." Jungkook said as he closed the wooden box and walked out of the room waving at the small kitty, Goodbye.

             The younger joined the others in the car as Jimin noticed Jungkook held something secretly next to his body as he sat down on the seats.

             "What's that?" Jimin asked as he wanted to see but Jungkook shook his head and placed his hand on Jimin's chest pushing him back gently.

            "Oh nothing~" Jungkook replied as Jimin kept trying to see what it was, curiosity was killing him. Jimin sighed and layed back onto the seat as he looked out the window. He was thinking of so many things! Things like what was the younger hiding? Is it a present? Jimin thought as Jungkook still kept the box hidden.

               Jungkook knew it was time to propose to Park Jimin, he wanted to do this and needed to! He desperately wanted Jimin and wanted to be with him forever.. This ring was given to him by his Grandmother and she believed the two would live happily together. So, before she passed away she made sure she bought the two engagement rings.

           Seeing the two grow happy together was enough for her to feel their promising relationship for the future. Jungkook's Grandmother knew it from the start.

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