Chapter 31: Under the influence~

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           Jungkook leaned over to Jimin's ear and whispered to the older boy's ear. "I'll give it to you, Jimin..." Jungkook then dropped his hands down under Jimin's legs as he kept Jimin's legs spreaded. "Are you patient?"

                "Hm-" Jimin let out a whine shaking his head as Jungkook still kept him waiting. "Jungkook..." Jimin huffed, he wanted Jungkook to pleasure him now and was getting impatient.

            Jungkook turned around to drink wine from his glass as he turned back to Jimin and kissed him continuously with his wet and cold lips while he had his hard cock already throbbing in the condom. Jungkook inserted the tip into Jimin's entrance as he looked down, beginning to thrust... realizing, Jimin wasn't so tight.

          Jimin gasped feeling Jungkook quickly thrusted his length in forcefully as Jimin let out a whimper while Jungkook started to thrust. "J-Jimin...." Jungkook huffed as he kept  Jimin's legs spreaded while he gazed up to see his lover had his head thrown back with his eyes closed shut. To Jimin, he felt the harsh thrusts Jungkook did.. However, since Jimin was loose he wasn't going to be left unable to walk.... But he still felt the pleasurable pain that came from Jungkook's thrusts.

            Jungkook felt a little jealous that Jimin was loose and threw off the idea of thrusting softly into Jimin...  Jungkook placed his hands against the couch as he huffed keeping eye contact on Jimin thrusting harder until he heard the springs in the couch bounce and Jimin's moans growing louder.

             "JUNGKOOK! J-JUNGKOOK~" Jimin moaned. He can feel Jungkook's hard cock thrust into him as Jungkook's hips grinded into Jimin.

          "Oh Jimin.. Ah~ I love you.." Jungkook panted leaning his head to kiss Jimin's lips and bite onto them gently. Jungkook touched Jimin in many places, he knew Jimin wouldn't allow.. But they both were under the influence of alcohol. The dominant felt Jimin's skin against his. It was gentle, soft and slowly turning hot.  Jungkook's tongue found it's way into Jimin's mouth sucking onto Jimin's wet tongue and hearing his moans.

              Jimin arched his hips up as Jungkook held Jimin's face in place so he can continue kissing Jimin and uaing his tongue to lick aling Jimin's mouth. "A-ah.. Jung-" Jimin was cut off because Jungkook kept kissing his lover, not prying his lips away from Jimin... Only to breathe time to time.

          Jungkook finally pried his lips away and ran his hands down Jimin's chest while he huffed against Jimin's neck. Jungkook kissed Jimin's neck while he still kept thrusting. "Tell me I can touch you... Touch you here.... Because I'm the only one in your life... Okay?" Jungkook huffed against Jimin's skin hearing Jimin try to silence his labored moans.

             "Uk- y-yes... Yes... Jungkook! T-touch me... H-harder please..." Jimin moaned as Jungkook sucked hickeys along the bottom center of Jimin's neck so the marks wouldn't be shown out to others.

           Jungkook looked down at his cock thrusting in and out of Jimin and pulled out. "Fuck the condom." Jungkook hissed as he took off the condom to thrust into Jimin raw. Jungkook placed his hands on Jimin's cock and softly jerked it, seeing Jimin succumb to his touches. Jungkook grabbed Jimin's hand and lead him to touch himself on his member while Jungkook dropped his hand to keep Jimin's legs spreaded.

               "Mmm-mmm~" Jimin moaned while Jungkook licked his lips enjoying how good Jimin felt. It wasn't until later in while he was still thrusting hard, Jimin started to mewl and cry loudly. It was the pleasure from the good pain he enjoyed and Jungkook felt himself slowly coming close to his climax.

              "Jimin... Jimin.. Do you want my cum?" Jungkook asked panting as he combed his hair back with his fingers. Jimin looked up with his eyes gleaming in tears from the pain he actually enjoyed.

               "C-cum.. I want you to cum p-please.. Jungkook!" Jimin begged as Jungkook pulled Jimin's hands away from his member to pin him back onto the couch. Jungkook thrusted into Jimin hearing Jimin gasp again loudly. "AH-AH... I... Can't keep up..." Jimin whimpered as Jungkook managed to thrust in a bit more until he came into Jimin's entrance. This was enough to lubricate Jimin's hole even more.

               Jimin closed his eyes shut feeling Jungkook's sticky cum fill him in on the inside. Jimin felt Jungkook still thrust wanting to help Jimin cum too. As Jungkook thrusted out of breath now, Jimin arched his back while he gave scratches on Jungkook. Jungkook didn't stop until he felt Jimin cum onto his skin. "F-fuck!" Jungkook panted as Jimin let out a loud moan. He was out of breath now, he came onto Jungkook's skin feeling good now.

             "Ah... Ahhh." Jimin panted as he closed his eyes catching his breath while Jungkook pulled out of Jimin with an exhausted smile. He bit his lip seeing Jimin lay on the couch covered in his cum while he catched his breath.

              "Jimin... You're so gorgeous..." Jungkook whispered moving his hands up Jimin's torso as he layed in close to rest in between Jimin's legs where Jungkook layed on Jimin's chest.

              "Jungkook... I love you." Jimin managed to say in between his pants as Jungkook raised his hand slowly to Jimin's plump lips.

            "Shh.... Go to sleep.. I don't want you to be sleepy before we get to Japan.." Jungkook chuckled as Jimin sat up to pull Jungkook's face into a kiss.

                "I'm not going to sleep~" Jimin whispered. Jungkook smiled and turned to pour Jimin the glass of wine as he pressed the glass onto Jimin's lips.

              "You'll have to sleep eventually~ don't make me punish you for that." Jungkook joked as Jimin drinked the wine from the glass Jungkook pressed against his lips.

               "You tell me to sleep but you keep giving me alcohol~" Jimin giggled and grabbed the glass setting it back onto the table. Jimin then turned back to kiss Jungkook with his wet and cold red lips from the wine he drinked with Jungkook. The older layed with Jungkook kissing and making out until they both found themself falling into slumber. Sleeping in eachother's arms for the whole night.

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