Chapter 6: Freedom

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             "I thought you weren't coming back..." Jungkook claimed as Jimin placed the cat on the bed looking out the window that had bars to prevent the patients from escaping.

          "When I say something.. I mean it. Once I came back, you were gone and I was upset." Jimin said. "Would I lie to you?" Jimin asked.

            "You don't seem like the type that would lie.." Jungkook said. "I'm sorry."

          Jimin then smiled and looked back at Jungkook. "That's fine." Jimin sat down on the bed and patted Sun's fur. "You really came here, How did you get past the staff?"

          "I had to lie. But I came to talk to you. I really want to get to know you." Jungkook claimed as he stepped infront of Jimin.

             "Wow, I feel important and special." Jimin giggled and held the cat. "Look at you... Properly dressed, free and happy... You look like you would have alot in your life. But I don't think you want to go far just yet." Jimin said as Jungkook stood there hearing Jimin's words. "Am I right?"

           "I suppose.." Jungkook sighed. "I really don't know what I'll do in life.." Jungkook confessed as he sat next to Jimin.

           "Is it serious? Do you really have to choose?" Jimin asked. "Such decisions won't end your life, will it?"

            "When it comes to my father, he will end my life if I don't choose what I want to do with it." Jungkook laughed. "I graduated from school very early and all I do is play videogames.."

             "You have it good, still have the chance to live on in life and be free... I wonder how that'll feel." Jimin whispered as he held up the cat. "Such a funny thing to say, a cat has more freedom than me..." Jimin laughed as Jungkook smiled at Jimin. He wanted to pat the older boy's back but then he remembered what happened yeterday and hesitated.

            "You'll get out eventually... Right? All the patients are here fo-"

             "I don't have freedom.." Jimin said. "But what I like from being here is, I get to stay under shelter and be alone for most of my time.. Of course they want me to go out and atleast exercise but I tell them I can manage." Jimin claimed as he looked around the room. "This here, is all I got. Might aswell appreciate it and accept that this is life. Jungkook, if life gives you a good opportunity.. Please accept it. Live life how you want it and don't try so hard to please others. You'll only end up stressing and getting angry at yourself." Jimin claimed. The older boy wasn't crazy, he was smart and very kid to Jungkook... This was almost many of the reasons why Jungkook was interested in Jimin.
          "You're very smart Jimin... You're so calm and understandable, why are you kept here..?" Jungkook asked as Jimin shook his head caressing the cats fur.

           "I don't like talking about it.. It hurts me when I look back at it." Jimin claimed as he looked up at Jungkook. "You believe me...right?"

          "Believe you about what?" Jungkook asked.

           "Anything... If you would believe whatever I tell you.. Trust me and believe me. That's all I will ask of you." Jimin claimed. "I don't really have anyone like this to talk to and before I say anything else, Just believe me no matter what... Okay?"

            "I believe you..." Jungkook claimed as Jimin looked at Jungkook making a smile. "Jimin... Would you like to be friends?" Jungkook asked.

              "That word.. Haven't heard that in a long time. Jeon Jungkook, don't become my friend if you only see me for today and neglect me. Know that I am not the type to make friends. I prefer to be alone..." Jimin replied.

          "Is that a no?" Jungkook wondered as Jimin shook his head.

          "Somewhat in between." Jimin said as he stood up with the cat giving Sun a gentle kiss and playing with the fluffy cat. "Being friends with the son of a therapist.... That's something I never seen myself do. I don't like therapy, it doesn't work for me no matter how much I try... But, since I don't know much about you and what type of person you are. We won't be friends just yet.. I'm not the type that speeds into friendships so quickly. Even if you are the same as me, calm and stable... I would still like to find out about you as you to me." Jimin pointed out at the younger. "We should understand eachother first because I won't talk to a therapist's son about my problems.... But I can talk to a friend about it."

            The wise old woman was right, Jimin wasn't a person who would tell just anyone about his deepest issues. Jimin had his secrets just like any other and Jungkook was well-aware about it now. Jungkook admired Jimin's intelligence, he knew Jimin was very closed off but he had such a great and cute personality under all of those tough rocks that give him a blank-faced personality... Jimin was everything that can make someone happy... He held the cat cutely and made Jungkook find himself smiling time to time at the patient.

         Jungkook was then laying on the bed as Jimin was standing and holding the cat in his arms. He refused to sit down so he stood up most of the time while the youngest shared interests with the patient.

            "Jungkook...?" Jimin asked as he walked up to the window with iron bars on it setting the cat down too. "Do you like the new years?" Jimin asked as Jungkook nodded.

           "Yes.. Why are yo-"

             "The fireworks..." Jimin answered before Jungkook was going to finish. "I always wanted to see them but I haven't for a long time... Only because, well? This place holds me here..." Jimin claimed. Jimin was very interested in seeing the fireworks on a New Years day.

         Just hearing Jimin out made Jungkook feel bad about him... Jimin has been locked up in each Mental Asylum for many years, he forgot how great it was to finally have freedom.

        This alone made Jungkook feel bad that Jimin couldn't have what he wanted the most in his life. It was freedom and yes, Jimin wished to have it and be able to leave this Asylum. However, no matter how much he'd pray, nothing and no one came to him.... That was until, Jungkook showed up for Park Jimin.

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