Chapter 20: Face to face

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            "J-Jungkook! Where are we going?!" Jimin shouted as Jungkook ran to an alley and stopped. "No one was chasing us~" Jimin giggled out of breath as Jungkook looked back to nothing.

             "Ah, I see..." Jungkook laughed as Jimin let out heavily pants.

             "I'm finally out of there.. Just for today..." Jimin smiled as he looked up at the silent skies. "What will we do in the meantime?" Jimin asked as Jungkook caught his breath.

             "I want you to meet someone.. Someone who has been waiting for you." Jungkook said as he began to walk down the alley as Jimin followed along slowly. "Jimin?"

          "A-ah... Jungkook I haven't ran that fast in a while.." Jimin  claimed as Jungkook let out a laugh and offered to carry Jimin on his back. "O-okay..." Jimin shyly got on Jungkook and felt the younger's warm body and rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder making Jungkook blush. "Please be careful..." Jimin whispered as Jungkook looked back at Jimin meeting eyes with the older boy.

             "Of course I will.." Jungkook responded.. He was looking at Jimin's lips until Jimin rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder all on his own. Jimin wasn't even feeling uncomfortable, he only allowed Jungkook to touch him. "I'm going to take you to meet my grandmother... She's been wanting to see you. I've mentioned you to her and she wants to see you in person."

           "Sounds nice.. I can't wait to meet her too, she sounds wise and very kind." Jimin said laying on Jungkook's shoulder.

         Jungkook started walking down the streets while couples held hands and picnic baskets as they were going out to the park and some couples were going to have a traditional new years at their own houses with families coming over.

             "Jungkook... Doesn't your Grandmother want to celebrate the new years with us?" Jimin asked.

               "She's sick, but she will get better. I don't think she wants to do anything this year, Grandfather passed away last year so it's different for her now.... One whole year without Grandfather was tough." Jungkook stated as Jimin stayed silent and nodded.

            "I understand..." Jimin said. "I'm sorry for your loss.. I didn't know."

            "It's okay, all that matters is you meeting my Grandmother.. She's a very kind woman." Jungkook said as Jimin had his arms wrapped around Jungkook, holding on tight as Jungkook held onto Jimin's legs softly so he wouldn't make him panic.

             As the two arrived to Jungkook's Grandmother's house, Jimin got down Jungkook and stood by the door as Jungkook opened the door with the key he had hidden. Jungkook then opened the door as the two stepped in taking off their shoes to see the Grandmother was in the kitchen. The old woman poked her head out of the kitchen and then smiled.

          "Jungkook?" The Grandmother then smiled seeing Jimin was here. "This must be Park Jimin..."

          "Hello, Grandmother." Jungkook greeted his Grandmother and bowed as Jimin bowed too. "Yes, this is Park Jimin."

              "Hello, Jimin.. I'm so glad you can make it here! Please sit and rest while I make tea." The Grandmother claimed as Jimin smiled happily looking at the elder.

            "Thankyou... Your house is very beautiful. Jungkook talks about you alot and I think you are a very wise Grandmother." Jimin said as the elderly woman smiled.

             "You're a very kind young man.. Let me make tea, while you both are here."

             "Grandmother, let me do it.. The doctor says you shouldn't be moving around so much!" Jungkook stated as Jimin went to sit on a couch silently.

            "I'll be fine, Jungkook! Keep him busy... Talk to him." The Grandmother whispered as Jungkook understood his Grandmother.

           The old woman went to make the tea as Jungkook sat next to Jimin. "We'll see the Fireworks by the Park soon." Jungkook stated as Jimin nodded looking down at the ground.

          "Your Grandmother... She's very kind." Jimin complimented. "I would love to get to know her more but I only have one night out."

             "Well, you don't know that." Jungkook laughed as Jimin thought on what he said and only stayed blushing. To pass the time, there was only two hours left until the new year! So Jungkook and Jimin began to laugh together and talk with the elderly woman while they had tea the Grandmother brewed. The Grandmother listened and heard their laughter and small talks they shared and that made her come up with an idea...

           "Jungkook... Please lock the door when you leave, I'll be heading out." The old woman claimed as Jungkook grew confused. The three were just talking over with some tea... She wouldn't normally do this.

           "Grandmother? Where are you going? You have to stay here.." Jungkook pointed out as The Grandmother shook her head.

          "I'm feeling healthy and well! I will just go to the Jewlery store while the it's still open." Jungkook's Grandmother responded as she looked at Jimin. "It was nice to have you here.. I wish I could have you here longer to talk but I know how you two have to head out soon."

          Jimin stood up and bowed. "Thankyou for having me here... You are a very sweet elderly woman. Let's talk soon... When I can that is." Jimin said as the Grandmother smiled.

              "Please treat Jimin well into the New Year, Jungkook....  He's a keeper." The Grandmother claimed as Jimin giggled seeing how Jungkook was beginning to blush.

         Soon, the two walked to the park as the trees and streets were covered in bright white and flashy lights! Jungkook carried Jimin on his back as they stared up at the small fireworks show that went on.... Jimin kept a happy smile hugging Jungkook's body close as the beautiful firework lights covered the sky.

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