Chapter 29: Run away

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             It was almost time.. Jimin was ready to go and was hugging his book close as he carried most of his clothes in his back pack while he sat on his hospital bed. Waiting patiently.

             Jungkook was finishing up attending to the patient's needs because the staff was too lazy to get anything done! Towards the night time, Jungkook smiled at the time.. Knowing it's time to see Jimin and finally run away with him.

             Jungkook wasn't very messy when it came to these things, Jungkook already planned an escape as he was washing the dishes from the patient's third course meal of the day. He wasn't going to escape from the back of the kitchen doors, those will be tightly locked.. The only way to escape was from the dining room window. The window wasn't soo high up and it wasn't just locked, the real and full view of the window was there... With no iron bars to lock entrance or break in.

          However, this would not be easy... Alarms are suspected to go off by ten seconds when one door or window of the building is open. So, Jungkook remembered that he had to be quick.

                Jungkook finally met Jimin in the room and were quickly on their way. "Jimin... Now you have to be quick... Once I open this window, you jump out as fast as you can.. Then we have to run!" Jungkook whispered to Jimin ear as he nodded. Jimin understood this and was ready to escape now.

             "I got it.." Jimin responded as Jungkook quickly opened the window with no hesitation as Jimin quickly got out with Jungkook. Jungook closed the window with just two more seconds to spare!

            Jungkook felt his heart race right there... He was a bit worried on what he was doing, but now.. That didn't matter... He needed to take Jimin far away from this place.

             Jungkook took Jimin by the hand and ran down the trail of green fake grass and left the Mental Asylum quickly. Jungkook knew by morning, the staff would find out so they had to hurry and travel early in the morning.

            Jungkook then managed to make it home with Jimin as they were both panting in exhaustion. Jimin walked into Jungkook's wealthy home and gazed around the big place with as smile.

              "You have a lovely house, Jeon Jungkook.." Jimin claimed as he took off his shoes in order to walk into the house.

               "Thank you." Jungkook thanked Jimin as he took off his shoes aswell so he can walk beside Jimin. "We'll stick here for a while.. Until we have to travel." Jungkook claimed as Jimin looked around the nice home, gazing at the video game console next to the television.

               "Videogames?" Jimin asked pointing to the console.

              Jungkook smiled and walked up to the console. "Yes! This is my life! Well... used to. I love video games!" Jungkook stated as Jimin stared at the overwatch cover game. "Do you want to play... With me?" Jungkook asked as Jimin focused on Jungkook.

                "I'm not good at videogames.." Jimin said as he smiled looking at Jungkook's eyes.

             "Hmm... Maybe you can help me pack for later.. Where are we off to?" Jungkook asked as Jimin began to think hard now.. He was thinking of Paris where he read online that it was called the city of love... But yet again.. Jimin liked the calm houses in Japan far from the city. Jimin made up his mind and thought maybe Japan was better.

               "Japan... Perhaps.." Jimin whispered as Jungkook smiled at Jimin.

               "Good choice... We'll go to Japan.. I promise." Jungkook promised as he took Jimin upstairs to help him pack. Jungkook took Jimin to his room where Jimin stared at the wide bed. It was huge and Jimin can just imagine sleeping on it. Jungkook saw how Jimin stared at the bed and let out a laugh.

                "Why don't you catch some rest as I pack?" Jungkook asked as Jimin shook his head. "You can walk around if you like~" Jungkook claimed as Jimin nodded excitingly.

             "I-I'll be back!" Jimin claimed running out of the room to look around the house. To Jimin, the house was very beautiful and he could understand why Jungkook never wanted to have responsibilities at all! He had everything he could ask for now..

             Meanwhile, Jungkook packed up most of his clothes so he can leave first thing in the morning! Jungkook knew he would get in bug trouble with everyone but Jungkook didn't care. He promised he was going to marry Jimin and that was what he was going to do! Jungkook wasn't going to have anyone else tell hin how to live his life now... He made his own rules now and took matters into his own hands.

             As soon as Jungkook almost finished, he saw the wooden box and letter up the shelf, collecting dust.. Jungkook made a smile and approached the box. "How could I forget about you?" Jungkook asked as he grabbed the box and letter, packing it up aswell.

           Jungkook finished packing and wanted to see what Jimin was up to now, Jimin was downstairs. But, Jungkook was curious to see what the older boy was up to.

              Jungkook smiled and walked down stairs to see Jimin was staring at a bottle of wine. He wanted to drink but didn't want to ask so he stood there staring at it blankly.

              "What are you doing, Jimin?" Jungkook asked making a smile.

              "Wine..." Jimin pointed ti the drinks. "Can we drink?" Jimin asked as Jungkook chuckled.

              "I never drinked wine, but this is a great occasion to celebrate... So, yes.. We can drink." Jungkook claimed as Jungkook opened the glass cabinet to take out a red rich wine that was old... But the older the better it is!

        Jungkook poured Jimin a glass as Jimin poured Jungkook's glass. Jungkook did pour Jimin a bit too much to get Jimin drunk... Although, he didn't do it on purpose. Jimin just hoped it will just be only one glass and that'll be it.... But that's not what his body lead him to.

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