Chapter 10: Disgust

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         "Jimin..." Jungkook whispered as Jimin still clutched onto Jungkook's torso very tightly. "Jimin.. Do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

          "N-no.. I won't say!" Jimin cried as Jungkook sighed. "Jungkook... Please hug me back.. No matter how much I don't like it.. Please hug me and touch my hair.. Please hold me and move your hands around my body please! Its the only way I would get used to it." Jimin cried as Jungkook began to realize that Jimin really had a touching issue and felt disgusted when it came to others touching him.. But when it came to Jungkook touching him, he wanted to get used to it... No matter how much he hated the feeling of another touching his body.

            Jungkook moved his hand up Jimin's body and moved up to his head and gently caressed Jimin's silk brown hair. "Like this?" Jungkook asked as Jimin nodded. Jungkook can feel Jimin's heart beat fast like he was panicking! "Jimin, I'll stop now."

              "Help me.. Help me get used to contact..." Jimin whispered as he still held Jungkook tightly. "God... I feel so sick right now.."

                "Am I the issue?" Jungkook wondered as Jimin shook his head.

                 "I'm the only flaw here..." Jimin then quickly pulled away and covered his face feeling like he was going to puke. "I-I... I can't do it. I can't let anyone touch me and it's not curable!" Jimin scolded himself for not growing use to somone elses touch. He wanted to be able to hug without getting sick.. It was something that traumatized the boy before and caused him to hate it when someone would touch him.

          "Jimin... We can ta-"

           "I feel dirty..." Jimin cried. "O-on the inside!" Jimjn sobbed and covered his face. "I'll never hug anyone or be able to lay a finger on others!"

               "Jimin! We can talk about this! Surely you trust me to tell me now.. Right?" Jungkook wondered as Jimin stayed silent. This silence caused Jungkook to sigh... He knew Jimin wouldn't tell him and Jimin would never call Jungkook his friend. "Am I your friend, Jimin?"

             "If I say you are my friend... You'll expect to much of me! I can't do anything for you!" Jimin cried.

            "Jimin... I know you must want help but please don't bottle these up. I want to help and when someone wants to help, you should accept the help... You're never going to get over it if you don't talk it out." Jungkook replied as Jimin quickly stood up and ran to one of his cabinets.

         "B-book.. I need my book!" Jimin said as he picked up his red book finally feeling safer now that he can write in his feelings.

           "Jimin?" Jungkook felt like he was nothing, Jimin wouldn't ever want to become close friends or tell him anything... He had a book and wrote his feelings away as Jungkook just stood there watching Jimin scribble away. "I gotta go..." Jungkook claimed. There was no need in helping Jimin, he alone was his own therapist and trusted a book of writings than an actual person who cares.

               Jimin didn't hear Jungkook leave until he finished writing... Until then, he turned his head expecting to see Jungkook and Sun there... But it was no one and nothing just the pile of snacks Jungkook bought for the patient. "Jungkook...?" Jimin asked quietly. "Jungkook..." Jimin then teared up a little knowing he was gone... Those little things he said to the younger made him feel bad. How much Jimin hated this.. How he felt disgusted and refused to talk to Jungkook about it.

       It was only a bad habit, Jimin would always go to his book and write down his issues. He wasn't use to talking out about his feelings to another without that small feeling in him that thinks Jungkook will hurt Jimin by using this against him. But, what Jimin didn't realize was that Jungkook would never turn against Jimin like that... because unlike the other people who harmed Jimin, Jungkook actually wanted to keep Jimin safe.

           Jungkook left the asylum angry, he didn't bother to volunteer at the Mental Hospital... He was done for today and went to see his grandmother as always. Jungkook arrived to his Grandmother's house and used a key under a plant pot to let himself in. This key was only for Jungkook to use since he was the only one who visited his Grandmother. Jungkook seeked advice from his Grandmother all of the time... She was his favorite person to talk to in the family.

         Jungkook stepped in and his Grandmother was just stepping inside from the backyard. She was wearing her yellow gardening gloves, green rubber boots, olive green loose pants and a white flowered blouse for a top that had a light yellow for sleeves.

           "Back so soon?" The Grandmother asked as she took off the messy rubber boots and stepped up to greet her grandson.

              Jungkook took off his shoes and closed the door. "I'm... Never going back there!" Jungkook claimed as he walked to his Grandmother's living room to throw himself onto the brown leather couch.

              "Ah, you tell me what happened this time. Was it your father?" The wise woman asked.

             "No... It was Jimin." Jungkook replied as the Grandmother went to sit next to her grandson ready to hear him out. "Jimin... I treat him like a good friend and he still doesn't see me like that. I think he still see's me as a son of a therapist.. He doesn't trust me but I trust him! I treated him well but he still doesn't care to let me in on what he went through! It's tough to find this out on my own.."

             "Jungkook... I think you should know that whatever Jimin is going through, it could be alot. Maybe his purpose there is still a secret because he is scared to approach you with it or maybe you aren't ready to handle what he went through.. It could be scary." The wise old woman told Jungkook. "Jimin will tell you.. It just takes time, Right? Everything comes at it's own pace."

            "I know..." Jungkook looked at his Grandmother as she was sitting next to Jungkook and advising him on this alone. Jungkook pressed the side of his head against the couch and sighed. "I want him to be honest with me... I told him I believe him and trust him but I guess he wants me to stay by him long enough for Jimin to finally tell me...if that's the case.. I think I'm dealing with someone much more dangerous to be that scared of telling a simple story on what brought him there. Whatever it is.. Crazy or not.. I can't be mad at him forever."

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