Chapter 24: For comfort

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           Jimin was told to wait for the therapist at the office. Jimin didn't think Jungkook was going to show up at all... So he was going to ask Mr. Jeon where Jungkook has been. Jimin was ready to take any punishments getting for Jungkook in trouble.

       Once Jimin was waiting for the therapist, he heard the door open and Jungkook walked in. Jimin sat up on the couch and finally saw Jungkook after a long time!

           "Jungkook! W-where have you been? I missed you so much... I-I'm so happy that you're here.. It was torture without you!" Jimin claimed as Jungkook sat down next to Jimin silently.

          "I'm sorry I left you..." Jungkook whispered as Jimin looked at how Jungkook's eyes was puffy like he was crying alot lately.

           "Are you okay, Jungkook?" Jimin asked as Jungkook sighed.

           "I'm... really sorry for neglecting you, Jimin... But I hope you know that I won't show up too much at times.. I have my own issues going on in life." Jungkook whispered feeling like he was going to cry now.

           "Jungkook.. Tell me what happened..." Jimin claimed as Jungkook began to cry and look up at Jimin.

           "My Grandmother is gone.. She's gone! She died and I feel like it's all my fault! I should have known her symptoms and the way she looked wasn't safe... I miss her soo much!" Jungkook cried and covered his face as Jimin grew silent starting to tear up himself.

              "How could you come to the Asylum today if you were hurting?" Jimin said in tears now hearing about Jungkook's Grandmother.

             "Because... Because... y-you're the only one who I care about now... You're the only reason why I came back even in the worst time of my life! You're everything to me and you're all I have... My only happiness..." Jungkook said as he looked up to meet eyes with Jimin. "I know it's tough for you... Tough for you to love and you say you don't need it.. But Park Jimin.. I-I'll confess to you now or else I'll never say it." Jungkook dried his tears and finally got himself together to confesss to Jimin. "I love you, Park Jimin." Jungkook said as Jimin took a moment to look at Jungkook.

               "I... Love you too.." Jimin replied as he felt himself hold Jungkook's face and pull him closer. "I don't want to see you like this... Please don't blame yourself anymore Jeon Jungkook.. It wasn't your fault." Jimin whispered in tears moving his head closer to Jungkook in hopes to make him feel better. "I love you..."

          Jimin then found himself pulling Jungkook into a hug slowly. Jimin didn't care about his physical contact issues and ended up hugging Jungkook to cheer him up. He missed having Jungkook here and wanted to see him smile for once.

       Jungkook hugged Jimin back holding him close and silently crying as Jimin can feel Jungkook's warm tears press onto his white sleeved shirt. He then pressed Jimin back onto the chair as he looked up at Jimin. Wanting to hug him and lay next to him... "Jimin...c-"

         "You can cry on my shoulder, Jungkook..." Jimin whispered and noticed how Jungkook layed on Jimin. The older wrapped his arms around the younger and held him close letting Jungkook lay on him.

            "Jungkook..." Jimin whispered to Jungkook holding him close. "Only you can hold me close like this and I won't allow anyone else to touch me in anyway...but you..." Jimin claimed as Jungkook looked down at Jimin and felt glad he can finally hug the patient like this.. He's been wanting a shoulder to cry on and Jimin was the only one there for him.

             As Jungkook was on top of Jimin, laying on him gently.. He began to cry on Jimin's shoulder as Jimin still held him in a hug. "Jimin.... You're all I have now... My Grandmother is gone and I only have you... I can't help but to feel that it was all my fault! I could have told her to see the doctor but I slowly saw her die infront of me.."

             "Jungkook... It's not your fault. I think.. this is what she wanted. You can't hate yourself.. She's in peace now." Jimin said as he caressed Jungkook's hair. He felt free to be able to touch Jungkook, however.. Jungkook couldn't touch Jimin in some parts which was around his chest and his neck along with his private areas, above his arms and thighs. There was only limited places Jungkook can touch Jimin, but he didn't care, he was just glad he had someone to talk to after his Grandmother's death.

            "Please... Don't keep things from me Jimin. If you want to tell me about something, tell me and don't keep it to yourself because I can't take it.. I really can't." Jungkook cried as Jimin nodded feeling a bit guilt.

              "I-I won't keep anything from you Jungkook..." Jimin whispered and promised making Jungkook smile and look back at Jimin. "Why would I lie to someone I love?" Jimin asked as Jungkook smiled at Jimin. Only then, Jimin pressed his forehead to Jungkook's and returned the smile to his secret love interest.

          For the whole day, Jungkook was there with Jimin as the younger talked about how great his Grandmother was... How happy she made him feel on those days he was upset... He was able to remember the end of her days happy and not suffering like how she was feeling inside.. and pretty soon, he was able to smile knowing she was in a better place.

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