Chapter 13: Seeking help

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            Jungkook stepped into the Asylum with his father. He was wearing a black jacket, jeans, black boots with a white shirt in under the jacket and the backpack filled with clothes. Jungkook looked around hoping to see Jimin but then he didn't.. He decided to hurry down the hall and surprise him with the clothes. Mr. Jeon walked off to enter his office being told that his first patient made their way in and was waiting on him.

            Jungkook entered Jimin's room hoping to find the boy sitting down and thinking but when he opened the door, Jimin wasn't there... Just the pile of untouched snacks. Jungkook looked around but Jimin wasn't there! Not even his book... Jungkook stepped out and approached a staff member and asked her where Jimin went.

          "Excuse me, where is Park Jimin?" Jungkook asked as the woman smiled.

          "He's with the therapist right now." The woman claimed as she closed Jimin's door to prevent patients walking in there. "I've realized you brought Jimin something, please don't let patients see it.. Bring him whatever you want but don't let patients see it." The woman advised as Jungkook thanked the woman and bowed.

        Jungkook hurried to the office and opened the door to see Jimin laying on the couch as Mr. Jeon was talking to him.

           "Tell me how you feel right now.." Mr. Jeon asked as Jimin sighed.

           "I feel sad..."

           "And why is that?"

           "I made someone else feel bad and angry at me.. Normally I can live with it, but this person? I can't live on knowing I made that person feel angry at me." Jimin claimed as Jungkook listened to him.

          "What would you say if that person was in the room with you now?" Mr. Jeon asked as Jimin knew Jungkook was here and listening close to him.

            "I would say that.. I'm sorry I made you leave..." Jimin claimed nearly tearing up when Mr. Jeon turned back to see Jungkook was here too.
        "Oh! Jungkook, have you met Park Jimin before? Jimin... This is my son Jeon Jungkook." Mr. Jeon claimed as Jimin avoided to look at Jungook. Jimin was only staring at the wall and nodded.

          "Well acquainted..." Jimin responded as Jungkook looked at Jimin and closed the door.

         Mr. Jeon looked at Jimin and at Jungkook and stayed silent. "Jimin, is it okay if Jungkook sits here and listens?" Mr. Jeon asked.

             "I dont know..." Jimin responded looking away as he was hugging his book close.

             "I'll take that as a yes." Mr. Jeon claimed as Jungkook pulled up a chair near Jimin silently as he stared at Jimin.

           "Hi Jimin.." Jungkook said as Jimin stayed quiet. Mr. Jeon saw this and fixed his white coat and stood up.

            "I think you should take over, Jungkook. This could be a  great experience for you." Mr. Jeon claimed. "I'll go run a few errands." The Father claimed as Jimin's eyes widened.

           "M-Mr. Jeon.." Jimin was nervous being left with Jungkook as Mr. Jeon walked out of the room leaving the two alone. "I'm not telling you what's wrong with me.." Jimin hissed.

          As soon as Jungkook's Father left, Jimin stayed silent now. Jungkook sighed and looked at Jimin. "... I'm sorry.. I was just upset..."

            "You're an idiot..." Jimin whispered. "I'm the one that messed up.."

             "Really? Jimin.. I got mad over a little thing! I'm sorry for leaving you..." Jungkook then took out his back pack. "I brought you many things.. And I hope you will accept them."

           "I don't want you to bring me things I would never repay you with."

           "Take it as a gift, Jimin..." Jungkook replied as Jimin shook his head breaking in tears.

            "I'm a bad person! I can't hug you back to thank you and I can't have anyone touch me or tap my shoulder... I'll panic!"

           "I don't care about that now... Tell me what happened, Jimin.. I'm ready to hear you and accept you no matter what."

           "Why are you like this?" Jimin cried. "You're making me cry and you're smiling like it's nothing!"

            "Jimin, I'm being kind because it's what friends do... I am your friend now, right?" Jungkook asked as Jimin sobbed nodding his head.

          "I didn't realize how much you meant to me.. When you actually left me! I thought you were coming back but your absence made me feel tortured.. I don't know what makes you different from others... But I'm glad you're here..."

            "Tell me what happened to you when you want to..." Jungkook assured making Jimin nod in tears.

           "Friend... I haven't had those in forever..." Jimin responded. "One small thing made everyone run and turn their back on me.... No matter what I do.. Please say you will still see me the same way, Jeon Jungkook! You're the only one who understands me...who treats me like any other person out here.."

            "Jimin... Nothing will make me think of you differently. I don't care what bad you did.. I want you to know that you are safe now, Park Jimin... It's up to you to tell me what happened."

         Jimin looked up at Jungkook and nodded feeling like he did have someone to trust with everything he had.. "No more sadness... No more secrets... I-I can tell him and I'll feel better..." Jimin said in his mind as he felt himself smile through his tears. "But why do I feel like lying?"

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