Chapter 9: Physical contact

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       "You're so kind..." Jimin said as he walked up to Jungkook. "I really don't understand why no one goes to you... Asks you out to watch a movie, to have dinner, to walk around the park.." Jimin said. "You are such a sweet boy..."

          "I don't really push myself to find love just yet.." Jungkook sighed. "Everyone tells me I'll make a great husband.. I'll make a great father and a successful one because of my family... They are all successful except for me."

            "Maybe you don't want to grow up..." Jimin stated as Jungkook listened to Jimin. "All your life you've been forced to do many things... 'stay in school' 'study hard' 'Don't play around.. You have to get educated.' I know you must have hated it..."

              "I graduated early in a rush for nothing..." Jungkook looked at the small cat play with the bags of snacks. "But I guess I can say that I am happy. Happy that it's all over because I am here. If I didn't graduate early, I would still be studying hard and would never meet you here." Jungkook said as he held up the red bag of spicy Tteokbokki crackers to play with Sun. The cat meowed and layed on her back to hit the bag of spicy chips with her white paw.

         Jimin giggled at the cute cat and looked up at Jungook taking a moment to stare at Jungkook. The younger knew how Jimin was staring at him.. He felt it and continued to play with Sun. Jungkook was actually feeling happy just feeling Jimin stares.... He had no issue with it.

           "Family... It must be such a nice thing..." Jimin said as Jungkook looked at Jimin.

          "Don't you have a Family?"

            "I do.. I just haven't heard from them in a long time..." Jimin replied. "No calls... No visits.."

            "Why don't they? Why don't they care enough to contact you?" Jungkook wondered.

            "Because they don't believe me... They put me here and told me they didn't want me to come back ever... Only until they hear I'm dying."

             "How could they be so cruel?! Jimin.... They've treated you badly and got you here! Did you... Do something really bad?"

              "N-no Jungkook... I would never... The real reason however, I can't ever bring myself to say.." Jimin said under his breath.

              "Were you innocent?" Jungkook asked as Jimin looked at Jungkook with tears.

             "I-Innocent..." Jimin began to cry. "...I-Innocent...." Jimin teared up as he covered his face "C-Couldnt hear it... All I heard was guilty but never innocent..."

              Jungkook wasn't thinking... He gave Jimin a hug and pulled Jimin into his arms hugging him close, completely forgetting Jimin's behavior on that first day. "I think... You are innocent, Park Jimin... If your family doesn't care about you, I will... I'll care for you now." Jungkook said as Jimin stayed silent in Jungkook's arms. His eye began to twitch and Jungkook heard how silent Jimin grew... Suddenly it hit him, Jimin didn't look like he enjoyed the hug at all and just kept crying.

          Jungkook finally pulled away and flinched quickly taking his arms away from Jimin. "Jimin... I-I'm sorry..." Jungkook said as Jimin looked down crying silently. Who knew what was going in on his head now? Jungkook felt horrible and got up. "I'll leave you alone..." Jungkook claimed as he stood up to leave but then... He heard Jimin let out a cry.

            "S-stay... Stay please..." Jimin sobbed as Jungkook looked back at Jimin. He was crying alot now and he didn't know what to do. He grabbed the tissue box by the bed and handed it to Jimin. "I... I don't want it.." Jimin sobbed shaking his head to refuse the box.

           "But Jimin... Let me help..." Jungkook said as he held out a tissue beginning to wipe Jimin's tears. Jungkook knew he was crossing the line like this but he didn't want Jimin to cry anymore.

             "I-I SAID I DON'T WANT IT!" Jimin shouted as he slapped Jungkook's hand away and quickly stood up to hug Jungkook. "Stay here please.." Jimin cried as Jungkook was a bit confused on how Jimin was acting now... First Jimin looked uncomfortable when Jungkook patted Jimin's head but now he was hugging Jungkook tightly and refused to have him dry his eyes.... It was almost like he was forcing himself to get used to Jungkook's hug and touch.

             "Jimin... Are you okay?" Jungkook asked whispering to Jimin. Jungkook never seen Jimin like this.. He only grew worried, what if Jimin did belong here?

               "I-I'm innocent... I'm not crazy... Cleaned my name... No one listened and guilt filled me.." Jimin sobbed in Jungkook's arms. "Stay... Please stay still.. I-I want to get used to this..."

              Jungkook just remained silent hearing Jimin as the older boy sat down on the bed. Jimin still hugged Jungkook having the younger stand as Jimin was now hugging Jungkook's torso. "Park Jimin... He wasn't scared and called crazy, He was traumatized." Jungkook thought in his mind as Jimin had his eyes closed tightly.... Jimin hated to hold someone this close it even showed!

              Jimin didn't like physical contact at all and couldn't stop twitching. This made Jungkook feel like Jimin's story had to deal with issues with his family. All of these were missing pieces of the puzzle... And he had to put them together to understand Jimin since the older boy didn't have it in him to say it at all.

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