Chapter 17: This is love

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             "And then.. I felt so happy when he would stare at me.." Jungkook said to his Grandmother who was sitting in bed listening to his words. Jungkook was explaining how he felt when Jimin was wearing the clothes he brought for him as his Grandmother had a smile on her face just listening to everything her Grandson told her. "We had our issues sorted out and I was helping him handle Physical Contact.. He really doesn't like it but I helped him with holding hands and hugs. Well, sort of... He didn't really like hugs but I held his hand for a very long time! Then, We sat down together and talked while eating a few snacks I brought for Jimin." Jungkook smiled and looked at the hand he held with Jimin. "Jimin told me he wanted to see the Fireworks on New years day... and I know he's not allowed to leave the Asylum so I was thinking about taking him out and walking to the park with him so he'll see it all."

            "Are you willing to escape with him for just one night? How will you be able to do that?" The Grandmother asked as Jungkook began to think.

             "I'll think of a way.. But once we do, I want him to see you and I want you to finally meet him!" Jungkook claimed. "You can finally meet him.. Talk to him and see him Tomorrow!"

              "That's amazing... I'm glad you are going out of this way for a friend." The Grandmother claimed as she coughed into some tissues she kept in a tissue box.

             "Grandmother.. I don't want him to be my friend. I never thought I'd find myself saying this but, I think I love him! I understand if you won't allow it.. I know it's pretty insane for loving someone that's the same gender as me." Jungkook sighed as his Grandmother began to laugh. "W-what's so funny?"

             "Ah, Jungkook.. Why would you think I won't allow you to love? I've felt this.. I felt you were going to fall in love one day with this boy. I don't care if you love another man... It's love right? Love is something you've been waiting for all your life... There's no way I'm going to stop you from finally taking what's yours. When the time comes, tell him you love him! Care for him and protect him until death do you both apart." The Grandmother claimed happily as Jungkook hugged his Grandmother. "I can't wait to see you both marry... I know it's too fast to think about this, but I know you will go far with Park Jimin.. and he will find his way to you soon."

            The wise Grandmother told Jungkook how she accepted him.. How she loved him for who he was and that alone brought Jungkook into tears... He had that fear that one day he'll have to tell his Grandmother how much he loves Park Jimin now and risk losing his Grandmother's kind, helping words and her respect. He feared losing it all. However, Jungkook's Grandmother was really supportive towards Jungkook because she cared about him so much.

            "T-thankyou, Grandmother... You really are the best.. My favorite person..." Jungkook whispered in tears as his grandmother chuckled.

             "Jungkook, keep Jimin close to you now.. Escape that asylum with him just to show him how much you care about him.. Then he will begin to realize how much you love him. Besides, keep the spot for 'favorite person' open.. Because Jimin is going to become your favorite. I know it!" 

            "Grandmother, you are still my favorite!" Jungkook laughed as he pulled away feeling his Grandmother's body temperature was rising and she began to cough into tissues much more common. "Are you okay, Grandmother?" Jungkook asked as she nodded holding up a tissue.

            "The doctors say this will go down soon.. I will be better in the new year, I promise." The Grandmother claimed as Jungkook dried his tears and sat back down on the chair. "Now, don't stop talking about Park Jimin.. I want to hear more about your future lover!"

           "Grandmother, I never confessed just yet! How would I know if he loves me too?"

            "It will show, Jungkook.. He will begin to see you in a special way and act different around you and more happier and get curious on when you'll come to him.. So far? I think you are starting to show him how much you love him.. Even if before you didn't feel that way towards him before, I bet he's been falling in love once you started to see him often."

           "Grandmother, you are very positive about this! What if he-" Jungkook then got silent. "What if my parents don't approve of me being this way..." Jungkook said as he felt his Grandmother gently rub his back for comfort.

            "No worries Jungkook, Towards the new year I will talk to them and get everything ready for when the time comes... I will make sure my Grandson stays happy." The Grandmother smiled as Jungkook thanked his Grandmother again for being such a kind and wise woman for all these years.

           When Jungkook got home, he was always thinking of Jimin. He didn't have to worry about volunteering there since his father was going to sign him up for volunteering hours at the Asylum. This will be his ticket to sneak Jimin out of the Mental Hospital just to see the Fireworks and hopefully start something new with Jimin. Hopefully becoming more than friends very soon.

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