Chapter 40: A promising future

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Jimin glanced at the tray of two plates of steaks, side bowls of vegetables, two other bowls of ramen that had boiled egg cut in two, some beef shredded meat and small dish of soy sauce for the steak.

"Come eat." Jungkook called Jimin over to the table in front of the one seat couch. "You sit here.. I'll stand." Jungkook claimed as Jimin looked over at Jungkook as he stood up. "What is it?"

"Thank you for all of this...." Jimin whispered as Jungkook smiled setting the plates down for Jimin to eat.

"Just come over here and eat~" Jungkook chuckled as Jimin walked to his seat and sat down. Watching how Jungkook treated Jimin like a king, made Jimin let out a giggle.

Jungkook sat down on the edge of the right bed eating while staring at Jimin. The two ate together happily while they paid no attention to the feeling of being captured.. Jungkook had the feeling but Jimin didn't think it'll happen. No one would be able to find them now... But Mr. Jeon.. The father had his ways of finding Jungkook.

After Jimin was done with his food, Jimin looked out the window and began to smile looking at the skyscrapers of tokyo. Jimin stood up and walked up to the big glassed windows looking out to see the people walk along the streets. Jimin wanted to walk around and see the rest of tokyo, but he was tired of walking all day. Jimin wasn't use to walking alot since during his time in the Asylum, he wouldn't go out at all to run around..

Jimin placed his hand on the glass window smiling. "Can we walk around Tokyo, tomorrow?" Jimin asked as he looked back to see Jungkook was finishing his noodles.

Jungkook nodded once he finished and stood up setting the dishes down next to Jimin's empty plates on the table. "Yes we can." Jungkook walked up to the mini fridge and took out two drinks of soda as he walked up to Jimin and handed it to him. Joining his lover by the window.

"How long are we going to stay here?" Jimin asked.

"Not too long.. We can travel to other places next!" Jungkook claimed as Jimin let out a laugh.

"You converted all of your money to yens!" Jimin laughed.

"Not all of them~" Jungkook placed his arm over Jimin's shoulder and looked at him. "Let's go to Paris, next.... I want to travel to the city of love, see what it is.. How it feels like to travel there." Jungkook stated.

"Hmm... we should go there, but where can we settle down not having to travel too much?" Jimin asked looking out at the buildings while he took a drink out of the can of soda.

"Where do you see yourself living?" Jungkook asked. "I want you to choose... You're my everything, it's only fair that you get whatever you desire."

"Hmm.... Maybe... We can come back to live in Japan." Jimin replied. "But not in the city.... Let's live near the calm parts of Japan. I want to go outside to see the green grass and cherry blossoms.." Jimin let out a giggle.

"I'll do whatever you want, Jimin. Whatever you wish for, I'll do it." Jungkook claimed as he kissed Jimin's cheek.

"Don't treat me like a king, Jungkook~ I'm just like you." Jimin responded. "Normal... Like you.."

"Ah, I know. I'll just treat you like this because I love you and care about you, Park Jimin." Jungkook smiled and set his can of soda down by a table and cupped Jimin's face. "You're so cute.."

Jimin let out a laugh as Jungkook kissed Jimin on the lips and pulled him into a hug. "You know, Jimin.... I am willing to run away with you forever." Jungkook said to his lover. "Forever... I don't care if I become a criminal for just doing this.. I just wish we can find a way to prove how innocent you are..."

Jimin silently nodded as Jungkook held him close. "Y-yes... I'm innocent..." Jimin whispered. Jimin really did kill Yurin and those other three people to protect himself but the court thought of Jimin doing it out of jealousy since no one was on his side... Including his family.

"It would be nice if I can have another chance on the trial..." Jimin commented as Jungkook nodded.

"I'll make that happen, Jimin~ this time you'll have all the help you need... But until then, we stay here and prepare for it. Either we run away forever or return and surrender."

"Let's not think about this now..." Jimin moved his hands up to Jungkook's shoulders still holding his can of soda. "Jungkook... This is the only time I would beg of you... T-to touch me.." Jimin whispered.

Jungkook smiled and caressed Jimin's face into a kiss. "You really want to do this now? Not wait until tonight?"

"I feel like if I don't do this now... I may never have a chance like this again..." Jimin whispered.

"Hmm..." Jungkook began to think as he looked at Jimin. "Okay... But please tell me when you want me to stop... Or else I'll end up going all the way... You don't want to end up making love... Right? Or are you okay with that?" Jungkook claimed as he dropped his hands down to Jimin's hips. "I really want to make love to you.."

"I'm... I'm okay with it... Just please, please don't continue if I beg you to stop.." Jimin whispered as Jungkook nodded kissing Jimin reapeatedly until it was enough for Jimin to drop his can of soda and hold Jungkook closer into the kiss breathing in between.

Jungkook then carried Jimin and took him to the bed not breaking the kiss. Jungkook sat Jimin on the bed as Jimin looked up still kissing the older boy. The younger wanted to cage Jimin under him already but Jimin planted his hands back holding himself up to keep locking his lips with Jungkook.

It wasn't until Jungkook finally pressed Jimin back, having Jimin let out a giggle as he cupped Jungkook's face pressing his nose with Jungkook's. "Jungkook, I trust you to show how much you love me. Just don't go too rough on me..."

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