Chapter 35: Prepare

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            Soon, Jungkook finally got up and started to shower while Jimin waited for his turn. Jungkook was in a hurry to get out of the house and to the airport with Jimin before the staff checks in Jimin's room at the Asylum. Jungkook was breaking so many rules and needed to escape. Jimin was sent to the Asylum for killing Yurin but... He was sent to a mental hospital because of what he said in court. Jimin told the truth but of course, no one would believe that... So Jimin ended up at the Asylum, alone and traumatized.

           As soon as Jungkook got out of the shower, Jimin was next and walked into the bathroom, not making any conversation since they were in a hurry to run. Jungkook was wearing all black to head out to the airport and leave. It was possible to purchase the tickets at the airport so, they were going to make it over there soon. There was nothing in their way now. Jungkook wore a big black coat, black pants, white shoes and a grey sleeved shirt under the big coat as he looked around his room. He was never coming back home now.. He was going against the law for breaking out a patient who was to stay in the hospital until death.

             Jungkook thought this was stupid, no one believed Jimin and the older boy had no allies at all... It was just him and his book. Jungkook picked up his packed luggage and was ready to leave once Jimin was ready.

            Jimin was in the shower, he knew he shouldn't take too long since they were against the clock now.. Jimin turned his head in the bathroom seeing his reflection through a clear glass slide in the shower. Jimin noticed he had a hickey on the bottom of his neck and sighed, he placed his hand over it and kept staring at his reflection.

          "Jungkook... loves me... I love him. Things are different... Jungkook isn't like Yurin." Jimin whispered. "Why do I feel so hurt when I think about this.. I did what was right and saved myself. But that only brought people to hate me... I'd like to see what they would do if they were in my shoes. Surely this would drive them to do the same thing." Jimin whispered and moved his finger up to his plump lips. "I'm Jungkook's now.. No one else's and I'll only let him touch me..." Jimin whispered. "E-every time I close my eyes.... I see Yurin... Even if he's dead, he still haunts my mind..." Jimin shook his head quickly in disgust. "I don't want to look back at those dark days." Jimin said in his head as he walked out of the shower.

         The clock turned 5:00am, Jimin stepped out of the shower and had a towel Jungkook allowed him to use. Jungkook was sitting on his bed as he already set a note to his parents on his bed.... Jungkook was prepared to leave his phone so he wouldn't be tracked and carried his father's watch to keep an eye on the time.

          Jimin was given Jungkook's clothes as he smiled. "Let's hurry, Jimin. We don't want to end up getting caught, or else we'll never be together!"

              "U-understood..." Jimin replied as he stood still staring at Jungkook waiting for him to look away. "Jungkook, could you please..."

             "What? Jimin, I saw you yesterday night... It's okay." Jungkook claimed as Jimin shook his head in disagreement.

             "We were drunk last night... That's a different story." Jimin claimed as Jungkook chuckled and turned around as Jimin made a smile, beginning to change his clothes behind Jungkook. Jimin appreciated how kind Jungkook was.. He didn't cross the line and would act like he was the perfect and possessive, hot man of Jimin's desires... Jungkook was just gentle and more kind than anyone else. That's how Jimin liked Jungkook, caring and gentle.

            As soon as Jimin was done, Jimin was ready to go. He wore a big green jacket, blue jeans, black turtle neck under the jacket, and black boots. "Jungkook... How will I get on the plane? I don't have my passport..." Jimin claimed as Jungkook patted Jimin's back with a smile.

                 "I've got it covered.. One of the best things about having a wealthy family is that, we have connections." Jungkook said as he winked at Jimin.

               "How can y-" Jungkook then held up his finger up to Jimin's lips.

                "Leave it to me.." Jungkook winked as he walked to his luggage and began to drag it downstairs. "Come on, baby. We can't be here too long~" Jungkook claimed as Jimin blushed letting out a smile at the name Jungkook called him. Jimin then pointed his direction to the piece of paper on the bed with Jungkook's phone. The paper read,

            By the time you read this... Mother and Father, There will be many people out to find me... Don't bother. I am far now, far enough so the law wouldn't follow me and press charges. I'm never coming home now because I'm not going to let anyone tell me how to live... I wiped out all of my money from my account so there's no use for you tracking me down with that. I love you both.... Thankyou for taking care of me.

          Jimin smiled at the note. Jungkook was giving up everything to do this for Jimin then left the room, following after Jungkook. It was finally his dream to escape that asylum and fall in love, he never thought it was possible especially to a guy like him but Jimin was glad to know Jungkook loved him and would be there for Jimin until the day he dies.

      The two were ready to head over to the airport. They catched a nearby taxy as they sat in the car and looked out the windows along the way. Holding hands and gazing at the morning sky.

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